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Category: Help & Resources (Page 2 of 3)

Resources: Complex Object


Drawing complex objects is difficult because objects are not simply defined by their contours. Their invisible sides are just as important as their visible. To be able to draw any object (or person) from imagination requires understanding the spatial … Read More

Resources: Combining One and Two-Point Perspective


Objects in our world generally are placed randomly and are not parallel to each other. Since all objects that share vanishing points are parallel to each other, to create a believable world requires the use of many vanishing points, … Read More

Resources: Cylinders and Bottles


Like wheels, in perspective, cylinders and bottles use ellipses to suggest round shapes. These ellipses are symmetrical along a major and minor axis and are continuous smooth curves with no points. The major and minor axes are perpendicular to … Read More

Resources: Wheels


Drawing the illusion of round objects in space tricky for a number of reasons.

  • Round objects are depicted as ellipses, and drawing ellipses is tricky.
  • Ellipses are symmetrical along both major and minor axes.
  • The major and minor axes
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Resources: One and Two-Point Perspective: City Drawings


To draw a city, think of buildings as boxes where the height, width and length can be adjusted for variety. To increase visual and spatial complexity, add features such as 3-dimensional doorways, windows with 3-dimensional window frames, water towers, … Read More

Resources: Line Quality and Spatial Illusion

Six Methods of Creating The Illusion of Space:

Relaxed Air Drawing:

Artist Examples of Line Quality:

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