
To draw objects using perspective it is important to understand the relationships between parts. Is the object symmetrical or asymmetrical? Where is one feature located relative to another? For instance, is the front of the side window closer to the front of the car then the side of the wheel? It is also important to notice the relative sizes of the features. Are both side windows the same size, or which is larger? How about the wheels? Next it is important to understand your object in terms of its component building blocks. Think about how the building blocks from last week’s project constructed larger forms, much as children do when they play with building blocks. The edges of each of these building blocks must go toward the appropriate vanishing point.

Example Car:

The Step-by-Step drawings below are based on this Hummer car.


Video: YouTube

Industrial Design Sketching: How To Draw A Car in Two-Point Perspective, produced by Spencer Nugent @SketchADayDot.com

Recording of Class Meeting:

Click HERE [use hyperlink] to view the recording of our (class date) class.