- On 14×17 inch white paper draw an actual complex space using the rules of perspective.
- For next week:
- Choose your favorite thumbnail sketch to use as the guide for your final project.
- Make rough sketches to find the vanishing points and relative positions of the major components of your space.
- Begin to transfer your favorite rough sketch to 14×17 inch paper closely following the rules of perspective.
Due Date: xxxx
- Part 12a Due Date: xxxx
- Part 12b Due Date: xxxx
- Part 12c Due Date: xxxx
- Choose your favorite thumbnail sketch to use as the guide for your final project.
- Make rough sketches to find the vanishing points and relative positions of the major components of your space.
- Begin to transfer your favorite rough sketch to 14×17 inch paper closely following the rules of perspective.
- Upload all photo and sketches to Final Drawing category housed under Student Posts on OpenLab
Learning Objectives:
- To practice research of site locations
- To learn what makes a motif exciting to draw
- To depict a real space using the rules of perspective
- To understand the step-by-step process of making a complex finished project from the beginning of the exploration stage
- Detailed description of the entire 3-part project: Click HERE
- Recording [provide hyperlink] of week 12 [date xxxx] class meeting: Click HERE
- Recording [provide hyperlink] of week 13 [date xxxx] class meeting: Click HERE
- Have you chosen your favorite thumbnail sketch?
- Have you made rough sketches in which you explore vanishing point guidelines for major components of your the space in your favorite thumbnail sketch?
- Have you uploaded your photos and thumbnail sketches to the Final Project category housed under Student Posts on OpenLab?