
  • On 14×17 inch white paper draw an actual complex space using the rules of perspective.
  • For next week:
    • Take photos of at least three complex spaces, photographing from numerous views.
    • Make fast thumbnail sketches of these spaces to find the best vantage point, framing and horizon line height in terms of design, conception, spatial clarity and complexity.

Due Date: xxxx

  • Part 12a Due Date: xxxx
  • Part 12b Due Date: xxxx
  • Final Project Due Date: xxxx


  • Click HERE for detailed description of the entire 3-part project
  • Take photos of at least three complex spaces in NYC, photographing from numerous views.
  • Make fast thumbnail sketches of these spaces to find the best vantage point, framing and horizon line height in terms of design, conception, spatial clarity and complexity.
  • Upload your photos and thumbnail sketches to the Final Project category housed under Student Posts on OpenLab.

Learning Outcomes:

  • To practice research of site locations
  • To learn what makes a motif exciting to draw
  • To understand the step-by-step process of making a complex finished project from the beginning of the exploration stage


  • Detailed description of the entire 3-part project: Click HERE
  • Recording [provide hyperlink] of week 12 [date xxxx] class meeting: Click HERE


  • Have you photographed at least 3 NYC spaces from various locations?
  • Have you made numerous thumbnail sketches of these spaces in which you experiment with artist viewpoint (including horizon line), scale and page placement?
  • Have you uploaded your photos and thumbnail sketches to the Final Project category housed under Student Posts on OpenLab?
