Class Info

  • Date: Add date
  • Meeting Info: Add online details or in-person location
  • Video Recording: To be added after class
  • Topics: Visual Library, Thumbnails Critique, Inked Drawings (Develop)

To-Do Before Class

  1. Follow the guidelines for refining your thumbnail sketches (Define) and bring your refined sketch to class.
  2. Check the Supply List and come prepared to work on your inked drawings during class time.
  3. If you didn’t contribute to your Visual Library yet this week, do so! Consider adding two images. One that demonstrates ambiguous figure-ground and another that demonstrates stable figure-ground. (Examples: Coco-Cola 1 | Coco-Cola 2)

Materials needed for THIS CLASS

Items from SUPPLY LIST**

  • Dropbox/Google Drive access.
  • sketch book (9″x12″)
  • Bristol pad (9”x12” 2-ply smooth plate finish)
  • graphite pencils (Venus or similar 6B, 2B, HB, 2H, 4H)
  • pencil sharpener (basic metal)
  • small box/container for your supplies (find or reuse)
  • Pigma Micron inking pens + big brush Set
  • portfolio to protect your work
  • 1 roll drafting or removable tape
  • metal ruler

An artist’s job is to collect ideas.

Steal Like An Artist: Austin Kleon
If you could create your own collection of ideas, words, and images, what would it look like? What form would it take or medium would you use?

Visual Library

Let’s take a look at the images you posted to the Visual Library, specifically those posted that demonstrate Ambiguous Figure/Ground and Stable Figure/Ground. And also any that could be described with the terms Organic shape, Geometric shape, Figure (positive space), Ground (negative space), Economy, and Unity.

Breakout: Thumbnails Critique

What kind of feedback would be most helpful to you?

In this course you will be providing supportive, constructive feedback to help your fellow students to improve their communication design skills. Providing helpful feedback is an important skill and one that you will use throughout your career. Check out these tips!

Let’s break into three groups. Review and agree on the project guidelines (Project #1: Define) with your group. Present your thumbnail sketches and your refined sketch to your group for critique. Give each other supportive feedback.


Inked Compositions & Protecting Your Work

Breakout: Lab

  • Based on the critique, rework or refine your thumbnail sketches and your refined sketch. Review the guidelines as needed.
  • If you’re ready, move on to inked compositions on bristol. Project #1: Develop
  • Work independently. Feel free to listen to music using headphones!

To-Do After Class

  1. Project 1 is DUE:
    • Review the complete Project 1 Guidelines to make sure you have completed all phases of this project.
    • Take a well-lighted photo your finished inked composition and then protect it with tracing paper for safe keeping.
    • Post ALL of your Project 1 work. Follow the How to Post Your Work guide and include the project-specific details found under Project #1 Deliver. Remember to add the category Student Work > Project 1 Posts.
  2. Comment: Part of your Project grade is leaving well-written comments for your peer-critique partner and at least one other student. Follow the How to Comment and Critique guide for specific guidelines for leaving constructive feedback.
  3. We will look at your completed work during the critique next class.