Author Archives: Kyle Sutherland

Group Minutes (Construction Management)


Start Time: 4:30pm

End Time: 4:50pm

Group Members: Kyle Sutherland, Leonardo Tineo

Main Points:

Discussed our approach toward the group project based on construction management.

Plan of Action:

Leonardo will do research on 2-3 top schools in New York for construction management
and what degree programs they offer.

Kyle will do research on 2-3 construction management firms in New York and what skill
and education requirements they are looking for in employees.

Kyle Sutherland – Group Minutes

Start Time: 3:41pm
End Time: 4:13 pm
Group Members: Kyle Sutherland, Leonardo Tineo

Main Points:

Sign up for Open Lab.

Discussed our research on construction management. (roles, responsibilities, salary, education requirements, necessary skills)

Discussed that we should incorporate jobs in construction management and what schools to
attend for a construction management degree.

Plan of Action:

Leonardo will do research on jobs and schools for construction management in California.

Kyle will do research on jobs and schools for construction management in New York.

Kyle Sutherland – Class Minutes

Start Time: 2:30pm
End Time: 5:00pm

Main Points:

Open Lab site is open, create an Open Lab account.

Networking opportunities.

What is considered sexual harassment in the office or school and how to deal with it.

Outline for class and group minutes.

Obtaining an architecture license in New York.

Work in your groups to sign up for Open Lab and discuss what you have done and your next plan of action.

What is due for the next class:

Post Class Minutes

Post Group Minutes

Read pages 11-34 of the book

Create a draft of your seven-year plan