Case Study 01

The client’s intended use for the space, “efficiency,” is a while common approach to any building, is a terrible idea for how to layout the space for its intended users. An office building should be spacious and allow for views and light for natural light to reach the users. My approach to solving this problem would be express my concern for the “efficient” approach and to design for opportunities that are beneficial to the users, such as ways to bring in more natural light.

A bit of information that I would ask of the client is the amount of employees do they intend to have working. As well if they would want any additional programming other than work space.

These issues need to be discussed as soon as possible. So they should be discussed during the programming stage of the process. Having these problems discussed with the client early on will give more time to plan for this effectively and efficiently.

Final Project Proposal – Exploring Residential Architecture

For my final project I want to explore the ins and outs of residential architecture; how it’s practiced and how to enter into this sector of architecture. With this topic, I want to attain a better understanding of the inner workings of residential architecture.

Research questions

How can someone enter this area of architecture? What skills and experience are desired for somebody just starting their career in this field?

How can working in this field be different than work on commercial spaces?

How does working on multi-unit residential build differ than working on a single family home?

How does working in residential architecture differ domestically and abroad?

What are some issues that can occur while working on this type of project? And how do they vary from project to project?

To get this information, I’d like to interview architect(s) with experience of the proposed topic, and with what I wish to explore.

Dream Career – Alberto Cruz

Growing up, I’ve always had an interest in art and crafts. Being able to visualize something and bring it to life on a piece of paper has always brought me joy, until I wanted to bring life to it. I’ve explored many avenues in art to try and satisfy the feeling of wanting to experience my art. It wasn’t until I took architectural drafting classes in high school, that I started feeling content with what I was doing. When it came to deciding a college major, I had difficulty choosing what to pursue, but in the end I decided on architecture, because it would allow me to visualize my ideas and experience it the way it should be. 

In my years of studying architecture, I was never confident in what I wanted to pursue in this field. Looking back on it though, some of my favorite projects that I enjoyed working on in school, involved designing a habitable space for users. I’d like to say my dream job within the architectural field is to work on residential projects: from family homes to apartments — to designing how everything comes together. 

My reason for pursuing this path is also a result of my upbringing. I grew up with uncles, who worked in construction and did renovations to my grandparents house. It amazed me, watching everything come together to create a space. Another influence in my life is that I always moved around a lot as a child, so I never really had a permanent place to call home. So being able to design a space that people can think of home, drives me to pursue this path.