assignment 2 video

Veronica Avila

Ancient Egypt – National Geographic

Ancient Egypt history lives till his day and it will continue. Showing its riches, culture and tradition as well as history. History that has travel through time.  Pyramids that has stories behind. Stories that will continue and be pass along. From this video we learn that their form of life was different. Their expectations and their way of living different from today. As well as how they look up to certain people. Especially the people in power, the wealthiest people. Ancient Egypt is mostly known for the pyramids. The pyramids of Giza. The three pyramids mostly made for the three kings. When the wealthy people, kings died they were raped like mummies. They also believed in after life. The pyramids are where the kings are buried along with their things. Such as their furniture and jewelry. The three pyramids didn’t take that long to be built completely. Keeping in mind that their tools were not as advanced as they are today. They didn’t have the machines and technology that is offered today in the modern day. All those hard heavy rocks, materials that they used they had to move it themselves.  To move heavy things they used wood and ropes. There were many people involved. People working hard to create, make history live long. Because till this day the pyramids remain stable. As well as famously well known.

This video was enjoyable I learn the past of Egypt and how it was formed. Because when I think about Egypt I think about the three pyramids and the kings and their richest. This was an affecting way of learning things because am not just reading about it or hearing am also seeing a video am getting an image of how were things. I prefer going to museums to learn you can see things and get a better image `feeling of history.  Seeing this it changes my concept of architecture of how I used to see things. I haven’t really thought about ancient architecture I was more focus on modern and what could be called future architecture. Ancient architecture looks to be more stable and live, last for a long period of time. And it has a story behind it. The materials are different. The ways that were constructed are different and its purpose. Architecture is not just the appearance, the glass the simplicity or not. It’s the meaning behind it and what it will translate to. How people will view it.

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