

8.1 Graphing sine and cosine


Desmos activity


7.3 Unit Circle

7.4 Other Trigonometric Functions

Videos here (top page)

Webwork assignments

Ongoing discussions and working on the STEM application Project


7.1 Angles

7.2 Right triangles trigonometry

Quiz on webwork

STEM project and discussions on Blackboard


10.4 Properties of Logarithms

Video resources


Evaluate and graph logarithmic functions

Webwork assignments

Video resources

One minute reflection paper (bb)

11/2/exponential functions

10/28/Exam 2


11.5 Solve Systems of Nonlinear Equations

Video resources

Webwork assignment

Discussion group project


11.1 Distance and Midpoint Formulas; Circles

Webwork assignments

Video resources


9.6 Graph Quadratic Functions Using Properties

9.7 Graph Quadratic Functions Using Transformations

Webwork assignments

Video resources


9.5 Solve Applications of Quadratic Equations

Videos and webwork assignments



9.1 Solving quadratics using the square root property

9.2 Solving quadratics using Completing the square

9.3 Solving quadratics using quadratic formula

Videos and webwork assignments


Bring one example of real-life applications of quadratic equations


8.8 Use the Complex Number System


8.8 Use the Complex Number System



Webwork assignment

One minute reflection paper

STEM application of complex numbers



Solving radical equations

Webwork assignment

Video resources


Exam 1 on webwork


8.4 Multiplying Radical Expressions

Review for Exam 1 (Webwork)

Webwork assignments



Simplify Radical Expressions

Add, Subtract,and Multiply Radical Expressions

Webwork assignments

Watch Videos (Links on top of this page)




From the schedule

Topic (S) :

Simplify Expressions with Roots HigherRoots

Watch videos posted on the Video resources

One minute reflection paper (Blackboard)


Course schedule

Topic: Solving Rational Equations & Applications with rational equations

Liks o the lessons are on the course schedule

Watch videos posted on the Video resources

Discussion: Where do you see the applications with rational equations in everyday life

use the link to the textbook for examples as a reference, and reply:

08/26/2021 First Day of Class

First Day of Class (8/26/21)


OpenStax Textbook: Read Section 4.4 All Examples

Video Resources:

Webwork assignment: 3×3 systems

Other Assignment:

1-Open Lab Introduce yourself

2- Read Carefully the Syllabus & Policies

3- Make sure you have signed up on the Open Lab Course Site and navigate to get used to it.


1-Polynomial Equations

2-Webwork assignment: Zero product property

3-Other Assignment: One-minute reflection paper (Please submit on Bb)

4- Please visit the course hab and video resources for additional support related to the topic.

08/26/2021 First Day of Class


OpenStax Textbook: Read Section 4.4 All Examples

Video Resources:

Webwork assignment: 3×3 systems

Other Assignment:

1-Open Lab Introduce yourself

2- Read Carefully the Syllabus & Policies

3- Make sure you have signed up on the Open Lab Course Site and navigate to get used to it.


Day 2

1-Polynomial Equations

2-Webwork assignment: Zero product property

3-Other Assignment: One-minute reflection paper (Please submit on Bb)

4- Course hab and video resources for additional support related to the topic.

Syllabus With Links to Videos

MAT 1275 College Algebra and Trigonometry Text: McGraw-Hill Custom Textbook containing material from Intermediate Algebra5th ed., by Miller, O’Neill, and Hyde (Sessions 1-16 and 26-29) and Trigonometry, 2nd ed., by Coburn (Sessions 18-25).    
Class  Topic Section Homework/ WeBWorK Problems Video Resource
1 Properties of Integer Exponents   Addition and Subtraction of Rational Expressions Section 4.1, p.320-324   Section 5.3, p.437-444 p.327: 11-29 odd, 33, 35, 41, 47, 63, 67, 75 p.445: 7-23, 27-49 odd
IntegerExponents ReducingRationalExpressions AddRationalExpressions AddRationalExpressions2
Properties of Integer Exponents   Adding and Subtracting Rational Expressions   Multiplying and Dividing Rational Expressions (review)
 2 Complex Fractions Section 5.4, p.447-452 p.452: 9-15,17-23 odd, 31,33
ComplexFractions-Method1 ComplexFractions-Method2
Complex Fractions
3 Solving Rational Equations Section 5.5, p.454-460 p.460: 9-33 odd
Solving Rational Equations
4 Roots Section 6.1, p.496-502   Section 6.2, p.508-512 p.505: 9-37 odd, 59, 65, 67, 79 p.513: 9, 13, 17, 19, 25, 29, 33, 41, 45, 53, 65, 73, 81, 93
HigherRoots HigherRoots-Algebraic RationalExponents
Introduction to Rational Exponents and Radicals
5 Simplifying Radical Expressions Addition and Subtraction of Radicals Section 6.3, p.515-519 Section 6.4, p.522-525  p.520: 9, 13, 17, 21, 25, 33, 39, 55, 59, 63, 79 p.526: 15, 19, 23, 35, 37, 41, 51, 55, 57, 61, 81
SimplifyingRadicals AddSubtractRadicals
Roots and Radicals—Simplifying Radical Expressions I (review) Adding and Subtracting Radical Expressions
6 Multiplication of Radicals Section 6.5, p.528-532 p.534: 11, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 29, 31, 35, 37, 55, 57, 61, 63, 67, 77, 79, 87
Multiplication of Radicals
7 Division of Radicals and Rationalization Section 6.6, p.536-543 (skip Ex. 4 and 6)  p.544: 11, 13, 17, 21, 31, 35, 39, 53, 57, 63, 67, 71, 77, 81   Division of Radicals and Rationalization
8 Solving Radical Equations Section 6.7, p.546-549 p.554: 13-18, 25-28, 41-46
Solving Radical Equations
 9 First Examination Complex Numbers     Section 6.8, p.557-563     p.564: 15-27, 31-35, 53-57, 61-69, 81-89 odd
  Complex Numbers
10 Solving Equations by Using the Zero Product Rule Square Root Property and Completing the Square Section 4.8 p.394-396 (skip Ex. 2) Section 7.1, p.582-587 p.404: 21-40   p.589: 3-19, 27-33, 37-53 odd
Factoring and the Zero Product Rule (review) Square Root Property Completing the Square
11 Quadratic Formula Section 7.2, p.592-594, 596-602  (Derive the quadratic formula) p.603: 9-25, 49-55 odd, 69, 73, 77, 81, 85
Quadratic Formula
12 Applications of Quadratic Equations Section 4.8, p.398-400 Section 7.2, p.594-595 p.405: 65, 69, 71, 73, 75 p.603: 39-47 odd   Applications of Quadratic Equations
13 Graphs of Quadratic Functions Section 7.4, p.612-620   Section 7.5, p.626-630 p.621: 11-15, 19-23, 29-35, 45, 47, 51-61 odd p.633: 17-23 odd, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43
ShiftingParabolas ParabolaVertices ParabolaVertices-CtS
Graphs of Quadratic Functions & Vertex of a Parabola
14 Distance Formula, Midpoint Formula, and Circles Perpendicular Bisector Section 9.1, p.754-759   p.760: 5, 9, 11, 13, 23-31 odd, 39, 41, 45, 61, 63, 65, 69, 75   Supplemental Problems on Perpendicular Bisector
DistanceFormula Circles
Pythagorean Theorem (review!) Distance Formula Midpoint Formula Circles Perpendicular Bisectors
15 Systems of Linear Equations in Three Variables Section 3.6, p.283-289  p.290: 11-17 odd, 21, 23, 27, 35-39 odd
Linear Systems of Three Variables
16 Determinants and Cramer’s Rule (optional) Nonlinear Systems of Equations in Two Variables Appendix A.1, p. A-1 to A-9 Section 9.4, p. 784-788 p.A-10: 35-45 odd, 49, 55, 57 p.790:  23-37 odd, 49
Determinants and Cramer’s Rule Nonlinear Systems of Equations
17 Midterm Examination      
18 Angle Measure and Special Triangles The Trigonometry of Right Triangles Section 1.1, p.2-6   Section 2.1, p.46-50    p.7:  45-57 odd   p.51: 7-21 odd
SpecialTriangles TrigonometryRatios
Trigonometry of Right Triangles Special Triangles
19 Solving Right Triangles   Applications of Static Trigonometry Section 2.2, p.54-56 Section 2.3, p.63-66 p.57: 7-47 odd p.69: 35-38
See videos from lesson 18.
20 Angle Measure in Radian   Trigonometry and the Coordinate Plane Section 3.1, p.90-93   Section 1.3, p.22-27  p.95: 25-39 odd, 43, 45, 49-61 odd, 67-71 odd   p.28: 25-31 odd, 45, 47, 55-63 odd, 64, 73-79 odd
AngleMeasure-Radians CoordinatePlaneTrig
Angle Measure in Radians
21 Unit Circle Section 3.3, p.108-113 p.115: 29-35 odd, 37-40
Unit Circle
22 Graphs of the Sine and Cosine Functions Graphs of Tangent and Cotangent Functions (optional) Section 4.1, p.134-144 Section 4.2, p. 153-159 p.145: 1-3, 17-29 odd, 33-39 odd p.160: 15, 19, 21, 39, 43, 47
Graphs of Sine, Cosine, and Tangent
23 Fundamental Identities and Families of Identities Section 1.4, p.31-35 Section 5.1, p.212-214 p.35: 11-37 odd   p.216: 13-29 odd, 37, 43, 51   Pythagorean Identity (The Fundamental Identity of Trigonometry)
24 Trigonometric Equations Section 6.3, p.284-290 p.292: 13, 17, 21, 25, 31, 35, 43-49 odd, 79, 80
(Basic) Trigonometric Equations
25 Oblique Triangles and the Law of Sines The Law of Cosines Section 7.1, p.316-322 Section 7.2, p.329-332 p.324: 7-23 odd   p.338: 7-11 odd, 21-29 odd
LawOfSines LawOfCosines
Law of Sines Law of Cosines
26 Third Examination Exponential Functions Subsections 8.3.1, 8.3.2, 8.3.4., p.680-686  p.687: 9-25 odd, 43, 49
Exponential Functions
27 Logarithmic Functions Section 8.4, p.690-693 and Ex. 8, 9 p.699: 11-61 odd
Logarithmic Functions
28 Properties of Logarithms   Compound Interest Section 8.5, p. 704-709   Section 8.6, p.712-715 (skip Ex. 3) p.710: 17-29 odd, 45-55 odd, 63-64, 67-71, 79, 81, 91 p.721: 11, 13
LogarithmicProperties CompoundInterest
  Properties of Logarithms Compound Interest
29 Logarithmic and Exponential Equations Section 8.7, p.726-734 p.735: 39-49 odd, 55-61 odd, 73, 75, 77, 79, 87
ExponentialEquations ExponentialEquations-Calc
Exponential Equations
30 Final Examination     Selected final exam review questions

08/26/2021 First Day of Class


OpenStax Textbook: Read Section 4.4 All Examples

Video Resources:

Webwork assignment: 3×3 systems

Other Assignment:

1-Open Lab Introduce yourself

2- Read Carefully the Syllabus & Policies

3- Make sure you have signed up on the Open Lab Course Site and navigate to get used to it.


Day 2

1-Polynomial Equations

2-Webwork assignment: Zero product property

3-Other Assignment: One-minute reflection paper (Please submit on Bb)

4- Course hab and video resources for additional support related to the topic.


Session 3    9/2/2021


5.2 Properties of Exponents and Scientic Notation  7.2 Add andSubtract RationalExpressions

2- Quiz Webwork

3-Webwork assignments:



 AddRationalExpressions AddRationalExpressions2

4-Video resources