Simplifying Rational Exponents and Radicals II (Multiplication and Division)

On this page you will find videos on rational exponents and roots that are not square roots.

  1.  \rhd Simplifying rational exponents (number) (3:49)  Simplify \frac{256^{\frac{4}{7}}}{2^{\frac{4}{7}}}.
  2.   \rhd Simplifying rational exponent expressions (one variable) (2:31)  Simplify m^{\frac{7}{9}}m^{\frac{1}{3}}
  3.   \rhd Simplifying rational exponent expressions: mixed exponent and radicals (2:38)  (Notice the constraint on the value of v!)  Leveraging laws of exponents to re-write v^{(\frac{-6}{5})} \cdot \sqrt[5]{v} = v^k for k an integer and v \geq 0
  4. \star Simplifying rational exponent expressions
  5.  \rhd Simplifying radical terms (two variables) (2:15) Simplify \sqrt[3]{125x^6y^3}
  6.  \rhd Simplifying radical expressions with multiplication (4:24) 5\sqrt[3]{2x^2} \cdot 3 \sqrt[3]{4x^4}
  7.  \rhd Simplifying a radical expression with two variables (division) (3:06) \frac{\sqrt{60x^2y}}{\sqrt{48x}}
  8.  \star Simplifying radical expressions such as \frac{\sqrt[3]{2}}{\sqrt[3]{-128}}
  9. \rhd Simplifying mixed radical and exponential expressions (7:31) (r^{\frac{2}{3}}s^3)^2 \sqrt{20r^4s^5}
  10.  \rhd Simplifying rational exponent expressions (advanced) (6:06) \frac{125^{\frac{-1}{8}}125^{\frac{5}{8}}}{5^{\frac{1}{2}}}
  11. \star Simplifying rational exponent expressions (advanced) For x>0 and y>0, find u such that \frac{(65x^5y^6)^{\frac{5}{7}}}{\sqrt[7]{(5x^3y^4)^3}\sqrt[7]{(13x^2y^2)^3}} = \sqrt[u]{65x^5y^6)^2}

And if you feel you would like to see more examples, here are some optional videos.

  1.  \rhd Simplifying radical terms (4:15) Sal simplifies 3\sqrt{500x^3}.
  2.  \rhd Simplifying mixed radicals and exponents (2:50)
    6^{\frac{1}{2}} \cdot (\sqrt[5]{6})^3
  3. \rhd Simplifying radical expressions (three variables) (5:25) \sqrt[3]{27a^2b^5c^3} = 3bc\sqrt[3]{a^2b^2}