Nonlinear Systems of Equations in Two Variables

  1.  \rhd Nonlinear systems of equations I (5:44) Solve the system of equations by graphing.  Check your solution algebraically.
    $\begin{cases} y =  x^2  +  6\\y = -2x  –  2\end{cases}$
    Solutions: $(-2,2)$ and $(4, -10)$
  2.  \rhd Systems of nonlinear equations II (3:33) Find the solution(s) of
    $\begin{cases} y  =  \frac{1}{2}x \\2x^2  – y^2  =  7\end{cases}$.  Solutions: $x = 2$ or $x = -2$ giving points $(2,1)$ and $(-2,-1)$, both of which satisfy both constraint equations.
  3. \rhd Systems of nonlinear equations III (4:13)
    Find the solution(s) of the system of equations
    $\begin{cases} y  =  x +1 \\x^2 + y^2  =  25\end{cases}$ Solutions: $(-4,-3)$ and $(4,3)$
  4.  There are also more videos under “Quadratics” — see Systems of Quadratic Equations