Logarithmic Expressions

  1.  \rhd Introduction to Logarithms (7:01)  Gives the definition of the logarithm after giving several examples such as 2^x = 8 is equivalent to \log_2 8 = 3.  What power do I need to raise 2 to in order to get 8? Three.  Several examples, including \log_x 1 = 0 for all bases.
  2.    \rhd  and \star together!  Really it’s an interactive text document covering similar material to the above video, but requiring input from the user.
  3.   \star Evaluate a logarithm such as \log_5 125.
  4.   \rhd Evaluating logarithms (more advanced) (4:20)
    Includes \log_2 8, \log_8 2, \log_2 \frac{1}{8}, and \log_8 \frac{1}{2}.
  5.   \star Evaluate a logarithm (more advanced practice) such as \log_{\frac{1}{2}} 32.
  6.   \rhd Relationship between exponentials and logarithms (1:42)
    Sal rewrites 100= 10^2 as \log_{10} 100 = 2 and \log_{5}  \frac{1}{125} = -3 as 5^{-3} = \frac{1}{125}.
  7.   \rhd Relationship between exponentials and logarithms: graphs (4:10)
    Deducing equations of exponentials and logarithms from their graphs.
  8.   \rhd Relationship between exponentials and logarithms: tables (5:58)
    Given incomplete tables of values of b^x and its corresponding inverse function, \log_b (y), Sal uses the inverse relationship of the functions to fill in the missing values.
  9.   \star Relationship between exponentials and logarithms.
    Students are asked to solve various problems that focus on the relationship between a^x = b and \log_a(b) = x