4 Entries -4

In this job I had to use MS PowerPoint a lot. To the point when I really started to get annoyed. To make a presentation I would use adobe InDesign, I feel it is the best tool to create layout designs and get more freedom than you very would with MS PowerPoint. Now that my internship spring 2016 is coming to an end, I donā€™t really mind using MS PP, in fact I taught myself new skill than when I first came in February. Some of my friends would make jokes like ā€œoh you need help with MS PowerPoint? Ask Miguel, he is a master at it now.ā€

4 Entries -3

On Fridays I like to stay past 6pm, just because I want to show them that I enjoy working there and that Iā€™m not going home until its finish or at least want to get it done as soon as possible. I would show up around 10pm to my job. I know that is kind of late, but that is when the people in the office usually start showing up. I feel that is okay to do. Usually the office is very quiet, but there are days when people are being loud and I need to focus on my own work to do, so I would wear headphones on and play music. My supervisor doesnā€™t have a problem with this because he see that Iā€™m getting the work done and he understand how ā€œartist get work doneā€ When everyone is in work mode, people wonā€™t talk to anyone for a few hours and it does getting boring for a while. Around 6 pm is when everyone is starting to leave and get ready for the weekend. I like to stay after to work on home that I need to catch up or just keep working the project.

4 Entries -2

I would design mockups for clients that what to see their ads in a magazine and my company would try to sell them advertising in the magazine. Like today I got a client, Delta airlines and my company wanted to sell them a package deal, so I was asked If I could do mockups before I left, which was at 2. I didnā€™t want to be rude and say no, so I stay a little past 2 pm. Finish the work, which they were happy with the work that I did and lucky I work one block away from school so I wasnā€™t late for class.

4 Entires -1

A Typical day in my internship on a Tuesday. I can only work 19 hours a week so on Tuesday I work from 9 am to 2 pm. I would get to work before 9 and get my coffee so Iā€™ll be motived to work. I would usually get to work before everyone, since they usually come around 9 30 or 10. I remember my first day I really early and they noticed that I came in before them. I would say good morning to everyone that past by my desk and eventually my supervisor would come in and ask me to go his office. Some days like today, he wouldnā€™t show up because he is a meeting in the city, or travels to other cities. Letting me know ahead of time, but its okay. I would have the same projects to work on.

When 2 pm would come around I would give a recap of what I did that day. Then I would head to my class that starts at 2:30pm. I would make a stop and grab lunch while I can.

Role Model

I donā€™t know if this a bad thing, but I donā€™t really see anyone in this company a role model for a designer aspect. What I still conceder a role model is a person you look up to the most, successful, a great example in the work place, and that would be my supervisor, Jorge. He is friendly, easygoing, funny, and gets the job done right.

Iā€™ve attended an event a few weeks ago. I got invited to an advance screening for Batman v Superman, and I allowed to invited a few friends. It had nothing to do with Networking, but our clients sometimes would give gifts for a good job we do.


I think I do a good job with the work that they give me. Most of the work is pretty boring assignments, but I always tell myself that make it look like you made it. Like the style is ā€œso Miguelā€ so one day in the future when Iā€™m pretty know in the design world , people would know what I did when I was interning.

I try really hard to make the project fun in a way. I do enjoy what I do, but there always the part when I wish I could work with someone that is a designer or at least someone that has sense of design.

Collaborative Project

I donā€™t work with any one on a project; I just have to make changes what other people want me to change. The idea of the a project would come from me and all the detail such as what font is being used and what size is it.

I wish I could work with someone that know what adobe InDesign even is or how to use Photoshop. I think Iā€™ve mention that their designer are in the west coast, or even outside the country. There are always on phone calls, and it seem like their yelling at each other. Which is kind of scary to be in a conference call with. I also maybe exaggerated with the word ā€œyelling.ā€


The company I work for, dress formal, at least the people that present to clients and/or Ā have meetings dress formal. At first I thought I should dress formal or at least business casual and I did for a while, until I notice someone not dress formal. So I started to dress pretty casual and my supervisor said it was okay. We understand youā€™re an artist and you should express your style as you want. I dress as want but I would never come in wearing a hoodie or sweats that would take it too far. I don’t really think anyone cares how I dress, because there so many employees they see that I’m just an intern.


I apply to many internships and Impremedia contacted me, asking if I would come in for an interview. The day of the interview, I showed up and spoke with Mr. Jorge Ayala. He interview me and saw my portfolio and it seem he was impressed. They didnā€™t really ask me any basic questions, like where do you see yourself in 5 years? Why do you want to work with us? They just said we want to you to work with us and asked when can you start.

I just got excited to start.

The Company

I intern at Impremedia at one metrotech center in downtown Brooklyn. Impremedia is a media company and it publishes Hispanic newspaper, directories, and magazines. Iā€™m a graphic designer here and I currently designing their media kit to present to clients, when they have their meetings. I also design other PowerPoint presentations for clients trying to sell advertising in our newspaper or magazines.

I feel like that is a huge reasonability, being the one who show the clients what they company represents visually.

One client would be McDonalds or MetroPCS,