Westcott photography format

Daguerrreotypes was a direct-positive process which help create highly detailed images without the use of negatives.It required great care in which the surface of plate used would like look a mirror.When these plates were exposured to light during development hot mercury was used to make the image appear. These plates were put in a solution of sodium or salt and then toned with gold chloride. The exposure time ranged from three to fifteen minutes but these are unique. The cameras utilized a sliding-box design where lens were placed in front. Another slightly smaller box,slid into back of larger box.The photos itself had a reflected present to it where if you move to a certain angle or direction you cant see the image.

Digital pictures are much clearer and have more of a zooming capacity.You make a item that is far seem close and be the main focus right in front.The exposure is faster which means you take a lot of picture with three minutes. The lighting is also better flash but also the professionals light that any photographer can get. There is also no need for film or a dark room.Now a days all you need is a copy to print out pictures. There are all different size lens that can be added to a camera to make the item pop out at you which can create depth of field. Angels can also make a picture be more interesting with the lens and zoom that can be achieved.

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