Painting With Light

Before you can paint with light there are a few things you must set up in order to do this task correctly. First make sure the room you are shooting in is dark and the background is also dark as well. Also you need to set your camera to a shutter speed that is between 2 -8 secs so that you can have enough time to draw and so that the camera does not pickup to much light. Also you should use a tripod so the camera is steady and make sure you use an aperture of F11 or a little higher. Lastly use autofocus to focus your camera then change to manual focus when you begin to shoot. You can also use strobe lights to freeze a person in a certain motion and still be able to paint with light.


I really like how the to circles came out in this photo since both circles seem to intersect with each other. I really love how the colors goes very  well with each other and give me a christmas like feel.

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