LL2 – Composition


This image is one of my favorites taken by my group. In the photo, the stool is placed center but slighty to the left. Surrounding the chair in deep space are people which create a framing effect around the chair. Due to the shallow depth of field, people in the background do not take so much attention away from the chair. In fact, two people in the background fall in place with the lines of The Rule of Thirds. This helps to balance out the overall composition and placement located in the image. Also the fact everyone surrounding the chair is not sitting, adds a story onto the isolated chair. Another reason why this image is one of my favorites is because the female in the center, sitting on the floor, seems to create an illusion as if she were sitting in the stool. It gives a message of wonderland and fantasy to me. Her pose also adds to the isolated mood already conveyed through the untouched stool. In all, this photograph stood out to me because a story developed as i observed the image. Both with the stool alone and it with the female.

About Marcus

Certified photographer, Beauty retoucher, graphic designer, and artist
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