Spring 2017 – Public Health – Group Service Learning Project.

Researched and Presented basic oral health care needs and daily oral hygiene routines at a senior center facility in Brooklyn.

“Caring for the Aging Mouth”



Summer 2016– Pharmacology  group research paper on  Antifungal-Medications_final-_Group1
                                     On this paper we were able to define the main concept about this drugs and its effect and interaction on the body

Fall 2016– Research Paper for Oral Pathology on  Myxoma             

As part of my Oral pathology class I was able to look into this this of pathology. I learned about what type of population is more susceptible to be found on,                              and its mains characteristic of this pathology  that any clinician will encounter on the clinical setting.



Spring 2016– Group Research paper for Principles of Dental Hygiene Care on Screening for TMD at  2016 the wellness fair Citytech.

We discussed with the students and professors who attended to the wellness fair about the development, symptoms and treatment of TMD.

As result of our great participation, we were selected to present this poster at The Greater New York Dental Meeting same year.

Screening TMD


Winter  2015– Oral Presentation for Histology and Embryology  on Hyperkeratinization and Nicotic stomatitis

I was assigned to research about this topic. I  described its characteristic and were to look for in the mouth. I also learned  that this is mostly found on                                               smoker and prolonged traumatic lesion on the mouths.