Sara Gómez Woolley’s Profile

Active 1 weeks, 5 days ago
Sara Gómez Woolley
Display Name
Sara Gómez Woolley
Assistant Professor
Communication Design
Office Location
X (formerly Twitter)

My Courses

COMD3313 Model Course

COMD3313 Model Course

This openly available model course contains course information, learning outcomes, suggested weekly topics and projects, video resources, quizzes, and more. It may be cloned and adapted by any faculty member teaching this course.

Introduction to Video

Introduction to Video

This course is an introduction to the basic components and practices of pre-production, production and post production methodologies for content creation in commercial video and film. Students will learn the basics of all stages of production for content creation. The course will explore modes of communication such as commercials, public service announcements, fictive works, documentary and journalism. Students will analyze the fundamental principles of film and television communications with emphasis on examining the interaction of design and technology. Post-Production exercises with software such as Adobe Premiere and Adobe After Effects will be an integral part of the course. These assignments demonstrate proficiency in pre-production and production of content for film and video.   This digital filmmaking class introduces the basic components and practices of pre-production and production for content creation in commercial video. Students script, storyboard, light, shoot, and edit short videos including interviews, commercials, narratives, and public service announcements in order to convey ideas to a target audience.

COMD 3633, Advanced Strategies in Illustration, FA23

COMD 3633, Advanced Strategies in Illustration, FA23

This course is designed to prepare the student for entry into the professional world of illustration. The development of a portfolio demonstrating a high level of skill and a personal style, as well as the ability to discuss the work in formal and conceptual terms, is the primary focus. Additionally, the student will be introduced to a variety of professional practices and develop a familiarity with the local, regional, and national scenes. The portfolio contents should demonstrate the student’s versatility and advanced skills while demonstrating consistency in presentation. This course is broken into 4-course goals: Portfolio Development, Professional Skills, Business Practices, and Authorship.

BAM 70500-02 |The Art of Visual Memory, FA2023

BAM 70500-02 |The Art of Visual Memory, FA2023

In this hands-on course, students will explore the genre of biography and memoir as expressed through comics. Through readings, written responses, discussion, and hands-on assignments, we will examine the diversity, long-tradition, and power of life writing in the comic book medium. This course is appropriate for all levels of familiarity with drawing and art making. Students will be encouraged to work in a variety of creative media – but individual project outcomes will be tailored to each student’s specific expertise and interest in the genre. Coursework will focus on learning the “language of comics”, ( panels, pages, timing, beats, etc.) with the goal of applying that language to create original sequential illustration projects such that combine words and images to tell personal narratives. Through active, creative practice in the medium, we will examine the relationship between words and images in this exciting form of writing where both parts are meant to be read. 3 Credits, 4 Hours

COMD3513 Narrative Illustration, SP2022

COMD3513 Narrative Illustration, SP2022

This course teaches students to create finished, professional-quality sequential illustrations combining words and pictures based on topical themes, autobiographical stories, and self-guided narratives. Topics and strategies include storytelling focusing on single-panel, multi-panel, and multiple-page sequential illustrated stories. Projects will be completed using an array of digital and traditional media. This class will focus on sequential art: sequential art can be comic books, graphic novels, children’s books, comic strips, and more. Topics and strategies include storytelling focusing on single-panel, multi-panel, and multiple-page sequential illustrated stories. Projects will be completed using an array of digital and traditional media.

My Projects

Office of the Provost

Office of the Provost

City Tech’s Source for Academic Affairs Information

The COMD Faculty Hub

The COMD Faculty Hub

The COMD Hub (IN DEVELOPMENT) provides support for faculty and staff, including teaching, admin, and program development resources. Join The COMD Hub to receive essential communications from the Department Chair, CLTs, and the City Tech Administration.



This project was created to recognize BIPOC, (Black, Indigenous People of Color,) designers and artists.

Grace Gallery

Grace Gallery

Grace Gallery is located on the 11th floor of Namm at the New York City College of Technology – City Tech. The project site hosts a calendar of upcoming exhibitions, event listings, BFA Show submission forms, and more!

The BFA Show 2021

The BFA Show 2021

City Tech’s Communication Design department presents the second annual BFA Student Show! This online exhibition showcases the excellent work of current COMD students in eight categories: Advertising, Graphic Design, Illustration, Photography and Motion, and Web / Interactive. Visit The BFA Show 2021 project site to view the full exhibition.

My Clubs

City Tech Ink Club

City Tech Ink Club

City Tech’s Ink Club is a place where illustrators and sequential artists can discuss and practice their craft in storytelling. On Openlab we’ll share links to helpful resources, general information, and post about events ad work we’re creating.