lpark’s Profile

Active 1 weeks, 4 days ago
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Associate Professor
Social Science
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ext. 4953
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My Courses

Introduction to Philosophy

Introduction to Philosophy

A historical survey of the classic positions of philosophy.

MTEC 3175, Game Design & Development, Fall 2017

MTEC 3175, Game Design & Development, Fall 2017

This hands-on studio course will focus on the creation of innovative workable prototypes exploring expressive forms of gameplay using a variety of multi-media approaches, methodologies and materials. The aesthetics of game design, including asset and character development, level design, game play experience and delivery systems will be covered. Supplemental readings on the complex interplay between story and game will be explored to analyze effective narrative devices and game mechanics. The class will involve lectures on game theory, design exercises and in-depth analysis of works across commercial, art & social change sectors.

My Projects

Office of the Provost

Office of the Provost

City Tech’s Source for Academic Affairs Information

The Open Road

The Open Road

The Open Road is our place to highlight all that’s possible on the OpenLab. Join now to keep up on OpenLab news, events, and updates. Check our weekly In the Spotlight posts for a glimpse into the incredible work being done by City Tech students, faculty, and staff. Follow OpenLab News for announcements and site updates. And see our OpenLab Calendar for office hours, events, and workshops. You can find our workshop schedule and signup for workshops here as well. The Open Road is also a place for the OpenLab community (meaning you!). We would love your feedback, insight, and comments. Please send along anything on the OpenLab that you love! We are always available for any questions you might have. Email us anytime at openlab@citytech.cuny.edu!

Writing Across the Curriculum

Writing Across the Curriculum

WAC encourages courses throughout the college to incorporate formal and informal writing into the course practices and requirements. Avatar retrieved from Bridgeline Digital, Creative Commons License

Interdisciplinary Studies Committee

Interdisciplinary Studies Committee

Spring 2025 February 13 (Thursday) March 27 (Thursday) April 24 (Thursday) May 15 (Thursday) (tentative)

Capstone Experience Committee

Capstone Experience Committee

The committee meets to develop and establish the requirements for City Tech Capstone courses and to approve courses submitted by the academic departments for Capstone status.

My Clubs

lpark hasn't created or joined any clubs yet.