kalbany’s Profile

Active 4 years, 3 months ago
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My Courses

ENG 1101

ENG 1101

This is a writing course

Reading and Writing about New York City

Reading and Writing about New York City

This is a course that will offer ample opportunities to read full essays or excerpts of essays, as well as stories, poems, and articles about New York City. You will be responding to the readings by writing essays using different rhetorical modes, such as narration, argumentation, comparison and contrast, definition and so on.

My Projects

Office of the Provost

Office of the Provost

City Tech’s Source for Academic Affairs Information

The Open Road

The Open Road

The Open Road is our place to highlight all that’s possible on the OpenLab. Join now to keep up on OpenLab news, events, and updates. Check our weekly In the Spotlight posts for a glimpse into the incredible work being done by City Tech students, faculty, and staff. Follow OpenLab News for announcements and site updates. And see our OpenLab Calendar for office hours, events, and workshops. You can find our workshop schedule and signup for workshops here as well. The Open Road is also a place for the OpenLab community (meaning you!). We would love your feedback, insight, and comments. Please send along anything on the OpenLab that you love! We are always available for any questions you might have. Email us anytime at openlab@citytech.cuny.edu!

First Year Writing @ City Tech

First Year Writing @ City Tech

FYW@City Tech is a program and a digital forum for sharing curricular and pedagogical resources related to teaching and learning about writing at City Tech. The First Year Writing Program @ City Tech (FYW@City Tech) offers professional and curricular support for faculty teaching First Year Writing Courses (ENG1101 and ENG1121) at the college. As a repository of materials related to best practices in teaching writing, the FYW@City Tech Web site is a place where FYW instructors and faculty across the college can learn more about teaching writing and archive their unique disciplinary resources related to teaching writing at a college of technology.

Literary Arts Festival

Literary Arts Festival

Each year, the English Department at New York City College of Technology organizes the Literary Arts Festival. This event highlights the work of students, staff, and faculty, as well as accomplished writers outside of the City Tech community. There is also a writing competition that awards prizes to students in a variety of writing categories, as well as to faculty and staff in their own category.

First-Year Writing Professional Development

First-Year Writing Professional Development

This project is for faculty participating in professional development for the First-Year Writing program at City Tech.

My Clubs

kalbany hasn't created or joined any clubs yet.