Candace_Hoyte’s Profile

Active 8 years, 3 months ago
Display Name
Major Program of Study
Hospitality Management
Academic interests

Business, Accounting, Marketing, Culinary Arts, Event Planning


I am transfer student from BMCC. I graduated in the summer of 2013with my Associates Degree in Business Administration. I picked Business Administration because of my extensive background in the retail industry. I figured it would help me one day be able to own my own business. I have always been fascinated with cooking and baking for my loved ones. In general, I have always been very crafty and creative. I started working at the age of 14 and liked the idea of being “independent”. I’ve always known that I should be my own boss. I’ve worked for amazing managers and not so great ones alike. This has taught me how to be with my own employees. I’ve worked in all facets of every industry; from being a bank teller to working in a hospital, to delivering packages for a messenger company. I feel the most joy and excitement when I am able to put a smile on someone’s face when I’ve made their day; whether its just by asking how they are or making their favorite drink. That’s why I love my job now at Starbucks. My ideal job(s) is to own my own bakery/restaurant and further down the line my own hotel in the Caribbean. I know coming to City Tech is one of the best decisions I could ever make because without education, you end up helping someone else build their dream and future. And nothing beats being able to call yourself the boss!

My Courses

HMGT4967CulinaryImprov, 2016

HMGT4967CulinaryImprov, 2016

Principles and practice of identification, comparison, and evaluation of selected foods, ingredients, techniques, and equipment for recipe formulation, menu planning, and preparation. Examination of current trends in the culinary arts field including the use of local seasonal products and the application of scientific techniques to experiment with food preparation. Emphasis on creatively synthesizing food science, visual arts, flavor nuances, management and performance.

HMGT1101 PerspectivesD704, FA2013

HMGT1101 PerspectivesD704, FA2013

An overview of the history, likely directions and organizational structure of the hospitality industry and its role in local, national and global economies. Students are introduced to the nature and scope of the hospitality industry, basic terminology, management concepts, career path explorations and the departmentā€™s mission and culture.

My Projects



The Garden is a project that teaches students and faculty about the excitement and nuance of growing flowers and vegetables for the Culinary and Pastry labs at NYC College of Technology. We encourage involvement and volunteers from all departments at the college.

The Law Behind Our Food

The Law Behind Our Food

A student’s exploration of law behind food.

My Clubs

Spoons Across America Club

Spoons Across America Club

Spoons Across America Club is dedicated to helping spread culinary knowledge. Spreading that knowledge to our friends, families, students and children. We want to continue Spoons Across Americas mission of influencing healthy eating habits for children. Celebrating the connection to local farmers and the important tradition of sharing meals around the family table. Helping spread that mission we focus on fundraising and providing Volunteers for the Non-Profit organization to support our mission.

Minority Association of Pre-Medical & Pre-Health Students (M.A.P.S.) Club

Minority Association of Pre-Medical & Pre-Health Students (M.A.P.S.) Club

What is MAPS? -The Minority Association of Pre-Health Students that provides a network of pre-med and pre-health students and chapters nationwide. What is the purpose of MAPS? -To provide underrepresented pre-mhealth students with knowledge, skills, and experience that are both prerequisite and concomitant to professional participation in health care fields. -To improve minority matriculation into all professional health related programs, with an emphasis on medicine. -To foster support and serve as a resource for current and future students interested in health care. For more information about the SNMA or becoming a MAPS member, please contact MAPS club officials by sending an email that includes your name and a contact number to CITYTECHMAPS@SNMA.ORG You may also contact club advisor Dr. Seto at