andrew’s Profile
My Courses
ENG 1121: Composition II, Spring 2019
This is an advanced college course in communication skills that further develops your reading, analyzing, researching, and writing skills through literary and non-fiction readings and assignments. What you do in this class is not important simply for completing a requirement, as the skills you hone here will be integral to your success in your chosen course of study going forward.
Procedural, customer and staff perspectives involved in the provision of quality service as practiced in a dining room laboratory. Student rotation through dining room service positions with emphasis on responsibilities of planning, producing and evaluating service. Practice of proper safety and sanitation methods. Critique of restaurant service.
Baking and Pastry II Spring 2020
A resource for viewing student work from the HMGT 2304 dessert class
ENGL1101 NYC DREAMS, FA2018, C303/D303
How would you describe New York? How does your own experience of New York City life compare to what is depicted in the media? Is New York really a place of opportunity? What does New York owe its citizens and non-citizens? What evidence can you present to support your claims? In this course, you will analyze textual, visual, musical, and digital representations of New York City culture and human experience. As a class, we will discuss and practice the interpretation of texts and other media, the formation of arguments, the utilization of academic research, and the proper citation and incorporation of evidence.
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