18 thoughts on “Day02 6/3/2019”

  1. Hey everyone,
    My name is Bryan Ramon, student of the class, IND 4700. It is a pleasure to learn Fluid Mechanics.
    My Introduction:
    I live in the Bronx. I’m a junior going to be senior at city tech. My major is Mechanical Engineering and I have one year left before graduating.

  2. Hi I’m Keyon Brown. I love roller coasters. I am studying mechanical engineering and my concentration is manufacturing. I am extremely tired of college and I just want to graduate. Seriously…it’s been way too long. I wanna leave. My plan is to take the FE after i graduate, get a good job for 4 years, take the PE, and then hopefully just in the coaster industry somehow.

  3. Hi I’m Masa Nakamura, instructor of this class. I was born in the north part of Japan. My hometown is very cold like Canada or Alaska. I like winter sports.

    I have lived in NY since 2011 and worked City Tech since 2011 as an assistant professor of Mechanical Engineering and Industrial Design Technology. My research topics include Energy and Environmental Simulation. I am leading my research group called Energy and Environmental Simulation Lab (EESL) If you are interested in conducting research on this topic, visit http://www.eeslaboratory.com

  4. Hi I’m Saul colon. I am Dominican-American , born and raised in nyc. I am a senior at NYCCT in the mechanical engineering degree. Trying to get a job in the solidoworks field before I graduate too add another experience in my resume.

  5. Hello my name is Christian Baque, student in your class. I was born in Ecuador. I was raised in Queens,NY. I love playing soccer and working on cars in my free time.
    I’m a engineer student working towards my bachelors in Mechanical Engineering. I have one more year left.

  6. Hello Professor Nakamura and class,
    My Name is Christo Sam. I was born in Staten Island, New York. I live their to this day. I am in my 4th year of mechanical engineering. I should graduate by the end of this year, with a concentration in Industrial.

  7. I am Navjot Singh and this is my second to last semester at New York City College of Technology. This is my first time taking Fluid Mechanics and i hope that i get the most out of this course.

  8. Hi, I am Calwayne Malcolm. I am a senior and my major is mechanical engineering. I am interested in energy engineering. my main area of interest is either petroleum engineering or nuclear engineer. I also have a slight interest in aeronautical engineering.

    I am from the island of Jamaica situated in the Caribbean. I migrated to the US five years ago and got situated in NY. I started here at citytech with the hope of gaining the underlying principles needed to focus on my interest.

  9. Hi, I’m Gideon Agyemang, a student of this class. I came from Ghana and have lived in NYC since october 2012, i am set to graduate in fall 2019 and I am willing and ready to work harder for the best grade in this class to also boost my gpa.

  10. Hi my name is Cristian Soriano, I’m from Queens. Concentrating in industrial design and looking forward to learning fluid mechanics.

  11. Hello,
    My name is Mauricio Gonzalez. I am a Senior at New York City College of Technology, studying mechanical engineering. Born and raised in Queens, New York. I am a Leo. Work in construction for 3 years and was given the Supervisor position. Currently looking for internships or research that I can be apart of.

  12. Hi my name is Mandy Li. I’m a senior in Mechanical Engineering; concentration in Industrial design and robotics. I really like to design and work with 3D Printers. I was born here in NY and raised in Brooklyn. One more year till graduation.

  13. Hello professor and class,
    my name is Kevin Rojas. I have one more semester left until I graduate. I was born in Manhattan, but I live in Queens. I like most types of sports. I have a concentration in robotics.

  14. hi my name is gurse singh and i will be a senior majoring in mechanical engineering with a concentration in manufacturing and i plan on taking the fe exam

  15. hi my name is gurse singh and i will be a senior majoring in mechanical engineering with a concentration in manufacturing and i plan on taking the fe exam

  16. Hi my name is Angel Orellana. I am a senior in mechanical engineering and my concentration is manufacturing. I have one more semester until I graduate. I was born in NY and raised in Queens. I like playing soccer and basketball. My goal is to be employed as a manufacturer once I finish with college.

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