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Magali Calle





After finishing the stonework, the scenery crew took all the flats to practice the installation of the event. Then, we got the flats back and the paint team started working on Backdrop, which was the most time-consuming paint job for this project. We painted the base coat like stone and column flat and started sketching out the drawing with chalk. Next, we started painting the inside of each subject in the drawing then went over the border carefully to give it a sharp/ clean look. After that we started adding the highlight colors and any finishing details. We completed this is two weeks and many many hours before and after class to stay on track with schedule.

The props started coming in the mail and I started assembling it. John McCullough bought a puppet which was Day of the Dead themed, and it worked perfectly for this project. We faced a challenge when assembling the puppet, the object holding the head up broke, but we found someone to fix it. Then, the day of the event came. I was so excited and nervous if the guest of the event would like it. During the installation the scenery crew and John McCullough helped with installing the flats while I started set dressing. One of the gargoyle broke screwing it in therefore I had to find a way where to put the other gargoyle aesthetically pleasing. When I decided where, the tail of the gargoyle was in the way so the team was thinking of cutting it off, but I couldn’t do that. Therefore, we figured it out, without cutting the tail and it looked great.


All the guests automatically knew it was a photo opportunity and took pictures with it. The guest also kept getting close to the props and were amazed at the portraits that changed faces depending on the angle one is looking at it. This experience was a game changer and such a confidence boost in what I can do. I led the paint crew through this project and asked Sam for help when it was needed. I had a great time learning the entire process of completing the project. I am adding this project to my portfolio. I learned so many techniques and skills in painting and set designing and hope to grow in this field of work. I would like to finish off by saying thanks to Samatha, Andrew, John McCullough, paint, and the scenery crew for helping complete this project. All the hard work and long longs are greatly appreciated.

Progress 3

Progress 3

Magali Calle

Progress Report




When I finished my drafting, the drawings went to John McCullough who was the technical director for this project and then to the scenery crew for the build. Also, when I was coming up with the prop list, I couldn’t find an alter the size I needed therefore it also had to be built. The alter build wasn’t in the schedule therefore I had to complete it on my own time. Brian who is in the scenery crew helped me to get it done. By now, the scenery pieces were built and the paint we ordered arrived therefore the paint crew started painting. We started labeling every paint gallon and with the elevations saw which paint we needed for the day. We started with the stone wall. We first blotched the entire flat with a base color of green, black and some white. Next, drew out each stone, picked three colors and started layering each color. Then with the Onyx color we tracked the border of each stone. After that, the paint crew worked on the greenery of the stone wall while I started on the columns. For the columns I did a step by step guide on how to layer the colors so anyone helping me knows how it gets done. After that I added some Onyx(black paint) on the top, bottom and middle of the column to give it a more realistic look.

Progress Report 2


Magali Calle

Progress 2




A few weeks ago, I started Drafting the set. I made sure the measurements were correct and presented it to Professor Samatha who is guiding me through this project. It was hard to see my designs since I used graph paper, so I drew it out on AutoCAD and started to label each wall. Then I started creating my paint elevations on photoshop. My first draft needed some revisions, so I corrected it, and it looked more visually appealing. I added grid lines to it can guide the team when painted and all the colors needed. However, I didn’t take into account the arc used for the Gravesend Inn. It was slightly a different color therefore I put all set pieces in photoshop together and started changing the colors, tones and hues. Once, I was satisfied with the color changes, I started creating my elevations again. I used the eyedropper tool on photoshop to get the overall colors used on all set pieces and went to a Benjamin Moore store to see if the colors I picked were accurate. I grabbed some swatches at the store and went to Sam to decide out of the 20+ colors what colors we will be ordering. After ordering the paint, the next step was to focus on the props. I added the props on the file with set pieces to see if it all goes together which it did. Then I created a presentation of all the props I needed for the project and its links to purchase them.


Progress Report 1


Magali Calle

Progress Report 1

Week 3 of Culmination



Brough Hall gave me the project to design a space for their Halloween/ Day of the Dead Event. The idea was to grab characters/concepts of Gravesend Inn and Day Of The Dead. This is for a photo opportunity for all ages to experience. We have a budget of 2,000 dollars and some requirements to follow. The height max was 10’ tall and height width 16’ max. I was so excited to brainstorm some design ideas and embark on this new project. First, I had to get some inspiration on Pinterest. I looked at colors, spooky settings, and shapes. Also, I read up on the Gravesend Inn to grab some inspiration from there as well. Next, I started creating a story for my design and started drafting right after. Once that was done, I formatted it into a presentation so people could see what I was thinking for this project.  My designs in the first presentation weren’t very clear so I can go back a revise it, for it to be visually understandable. When I presented my ideas to Borough Hall, they picked one and from there my next step was polishing my drafting.