- Call to order
- Approval of minutes from 10/17, 2024
MAT 2440 final exam proposal
- Good and welfare
Category: Agendas (Page 1 of 5)
- Call to order
- Approval of minutes from 9/19, 2024
MAT 2675
- Good and welfare
- Call to order
- Election of Secretary
- Approval of minutes from 4/18, 2024
Submission of minor curriculum changes to the college council
MAT 2680
MAT 2675
- Good and welfare
- Call to order
- Approval of minutes from March 21, 2024
MAT 2580 course outline and homework assignment
MAT 2680 course outline (discussion)
MAT 2675 course outline (discussion)
Good and welfare
- Call to order
- Approval of minutes from February 15, 2024 (see attachment)
- MAT 1275 course description (Prof. Carley)
- MAT 2440 prerequisite
- MAT 2580 course outline and homework assignment (Prof. Africk and Prof. Poirier)
- Pre- and co-requisite of math courses (Prof. Katz)
- Good and welfare
- Call to order
- Approval of minutes from November 16, 2023
- MAT 2580 course outline and homework assignment
- MAT 1475, 1575: changing calculator requirement in the course outline
- Minor curriculum change of MAT 1275 and MAT 1375 to the college council
- MAT 2680: discussion on modifying the course outline
- Good and welfare
- Call to order
- Approve minutes from October 19, 2023
- Approve the new textbook and course outline of MAT 1275, MAT 1275CO-2 Sessions, MAT 1275CO-3 Sessions.
- Approve the new textbook and course outline of MEDU 1021.
- MAT 2580
- MAT 2680
- Good and welfare
- Call to order
- Approval of minutes from September 21, 2023
- Approve the textbook and the new course outline of MAT 2580
- Approve the new textbook (3rd edition) and the course outline of MAT 1375
- Discuss changing the curriculum of MAT 2680.
- Good and welfare
- Call to order
- Election of Secretary
- Approval of minutes from April 27, 2023
- Review of the Curriculum Policy (https://openlab.citytech.cuny.edu/mathdepartmentcurriculumcommittee/51-2/)
- Overview of the curriculum items for the semester.
- Good and welfare
- Call to order
- Approval of minutes from March 23, 2023
- MAT 2580: approve the new course outline
- proposal: approve the new course outline of MAT 2580
- MAT 1375: continue experimenting with the new course outline (Prof. Tradler)
- proposal: approve experimenting Desmos in MAT 1375 by Professor Tradler
- MAT 1275CO/1275: Review WeBWorK problems (Prof. Katz and Prof. Carley)
- Final exam review
- Good and welfare
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