Ganguli | Math 1375 | Fall 2020

Category: Exams & Quizzes (Page 1 of 3)

Guide to the Practice Final Exam

A set of Practice Final Exam exercises is available in WebWork. Submit written solutions to your exercises on Blackboard by Monday night (Dec 14). Your written solutions will be graded and counted as a quiz.

Note: This WebWork set is set up as a test with a 2h time limit, but you can ignore the time limit and the corresponding “recorded score.” You can still use WebWork to check your answers, but you should focus on understanding the exercises and writing up complete solutions.

The final exam will be Wed Dec 16-Fri Dec 18, and will be very similar in format to this Practice Final Exam.

Here is a guide to the exercises, with notes on examples to review from the WebWork, from the various quizzes and exams, from examples I have posted on OpenLab, and from the textbook:

  1. Inequalities:
    • absolute value inequality – show algebra leading to solution set (see WebWork “Absolute Value Inequalities”; Quiz #1; Exam #1)
    • polynomial inequality – show algebra solving for x-intercepts, then sketch graph to show solution set of inequality or use “test points” in each subinterval to find solution set (see WebWork “Polynomial Inequalities”; Exam #2; textbook Example 12.2)
    • rational function inequality- show algebra solving for x-intercepts and vertical asymptotes, then sketch graph or use “test points” in each subinterval to find solution set of inequality (see see WebWork “Rational Inequalities”; Exam #2; textbook Example 12.4)
  2. Rational function (show all algebra for finding domain, asymptotes, roots/intercepts; sketch a graph of the function and label all of these features):
  3. Difference quotient or inverse of a function:
    • see WebWork “Functions – Difference Quotient”; Exam #1
    • see WebWork “Functions – Inverse Functions”; textbook Example 7.6 (pp89-90)
  4. Polynomial function (show all algebra necessary for factoring and finding roots, including long division; sketch a graph of the function and label the x-intercept(s) and y-intercept)
    • see WebWork “Polynomials – Graphs”; Quiz #3; Exam #2
    • see this example
  5. skip this exercise
  6. Logarithmic function or logarithmic properties:
    • see WebWork “Logarithmic Functions – Graphs”; textbook Example 13.3
    • see WebWork “Logarithmic Functions – Properties”; textbook Example 14.3
  7. Trigonometric function and graph:
    • see textbook Definition 17.9 and Example 17.10 (pp246-247)
    • sketch a graph of the function and label the period, amplitude, and phase shift
  8. Trigonometric equation (show algebra needed to simplify the equation, and then justify your solutions in terms of either the unit circle or the graph of the trig function involved)
    • see WebWork “Trigonometry – Equations”
  9. Application of exponential function:
  10. skip this exercise

Exam #2: Take-home exam (Wed Nov 18-Sun Nov 22) + in-class exam (Mon Nov 23)

The 2nd midterm exam (Exam #2) will consist of two components:

  1. (60% of your exam score) Take-home exercises which will be due Sunday Nov 22 (i.e., similar to Exam #1). You can find the pdf with the take-home exercises in OpenLab/Files.
  2. (40% of your exam score) There will also be an in-class component, which you will take next Monday Nov 23. It will consist of 3 short exercises, which will be similar to some of the take-home exercises. We will use approximately half the class session on Monday for the in-class component of the exam.

Quiz #3: Take-home quiz (due Sunday Nov 8)

Quiz #3 is another take-home assignment, due Sunday (Nov 8). You can download the pdf with the quiz exercises from OpenLab Files.

Like the previous quizzes, you should submit your solutions on Blackboard as a single pdf file (I will create a “Quiz #3” Assignment shortly).

Instructions are the same as for the previous quizzes:

  1. Write out your solutions. If you have access to a printer, you can print out the Quiz pdf and write your solutions in the spaces provided. But it’s fine to write your solutions on a blank piece of paper. For the latter, you don’t need to rewrite the statements of the exercises, but please write your solutions in order (show all your work!) and number/label them; you however will need to sketch the graph of the function.
  2. Scan your written solutions to a single pdf file (i.e., not a jpeg!). There are number of free smartphone apps you can use to scan to pdf. Some popular ones are Cam Scanner, Microsoft Office Lens, Adobe Scan, and Genius Scan (see here). If you have a Google or Dropbox account, you can use the Google Drive app or the Dropbox app to scan and save the pdf to the cloud.
  3. Upload your pdf to the Quiz #3 Assignment on Blackboard.
  4. If you choose do the extra credit exercise using Desmos, you can submit your graph as a png image file (submit as a separate file from your pdf).

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