Class Age Data – Google Spreadsheet

Here is the link to the Google spreadsheet we created during our first class session last Wednesday:

Class Age Data – 28 Aug 2019

Note that you can only view the spreadsheet via the link, but if you have a Google account, you can save a copy to your Google Drive and then edit your copy.

We will continue working on this spreadsheet this week.  But in the meantime you should familiarize yourself with the basic spreadsheet functions and techniques (e.g., copying and pasting formulas) that we introduced in this spreadsheet.

First OpenLab Assignment – Introduce Yourself

Your first OpenLab assignment is to

This assignment is due Friday, September 6.  Completing this assignment will earn you one point towards the participation component of your course grade. Late submissions will receive partial credit.

Assignment. Write a comment in reply to this post (scroll to the bottom to find the “Leave a Reply” box–if you’re viewing this from the site’s homepage, you will need to click on the post’s title above, or click on the Comments link to the left):

In a brief paragraph (3-5 sentences), introduce yourself in whatever way you wish (what do you want your classmates to know about you?  Some ideas: where you’re from, where you live now, your major, your interests outside of school, etc.)