Faculty Name | Section | Semester

OpenLab Assignment 1

What is a daily, weekly or monthly task you think you can use Excel to help you accomplish? Be specific and include details.

Please respond by writing a comment – once it is “approved” you will receive credit.


  1. Daniel

    I can use Excel to manage my weekly finances on food.

    • Marianna Bonanome

      Hi Daniel,

      Please explain? How exactly would you manage your food budget? What are you calculating and tracking? Will you create graphs? What information are you looking for and what kind of decisions might you make once you have this info?

      Prof. Bonanome

      • Daniel

        I would gather data on how much i spend a week on food. With this data i could determine how much money i spend on average. I would also create a graph to determine which days i spend the most money. All together, with this information i can create a fixed budget for the week and see if i have room to cut back and save money.

  2. Eric Gao

    One task that I can use Excel for is budgeting. As someone who does not have a lot of money to work with I have to make sure that living expenses are prioritized. I can use excel to label and keep track of my income, bills, and food costs to see how much money I can put aside weekly to save for a rainy day. Column one will be the date of the beginning of each week, column two will be labeled weekly income, column three will be labeled weekly expenses(monthly bills divided into 4) and column 3 will be the output of how much money can be put aside by subtracting column 2&3 of each row.

    • Marianna Bonanome

      Hi Eric,
      We also use Excel to manage our budget in my household. We found that, at the very beginning, we only tracked our spending for the first couple of months. This allowed us to have a picture of where our money was flowing. Once we did that, we came up with reasonable targets for the categories and proceeded from there. Of course the saving part of it was the HARDEST.

    • Marianna Bonanome

  3. fariha choudhury

    I use excel once a month to manage my shopping and subscription budget. I do tend to shop a lot and have many beauty and entertainment subscriptions. I also want to save a portion from my monthly income so excel helps me accomplish that by showing how much I’m spending. After few months I’ll look through my excels and see if I want to cancel any subscriptions that I know I’m not using as much. Not only does my excel sheet keep track of how much money I’m spending but exactly on what I’m spending on. When I have a lot of subscriptions I’ll tend to forget what I’m paying for. Excel keeps my entertainment spending organized.

  4. Sifat Razwan

    I used excel to mange my house rent and credit cards bills. It’s very helpful to manage and organize everything. So that, in advance I can know when is my payments are due and how much I have to pay. I also used excel to manage my car expense, at the end of the year it’s help me to do my tax file.

  5. Luis Campoverde

    In my personal experience I would use Excel to manage my monthly budget. I would create a chart with my expected income and expected expenses. If there is any additional unexpected expense it would be added on as it occurred. This helps me manage my earnings in a more efficient manner.

  6. Ihn Lee

    I would use Excel to analyze my expense and savings on a monthly basis. Income, bills, groceries, etc are included in the sheet. To compare previous months, I can use the chart function. This will allow me to see how much I can save in the bank and what expense I need to reduce.

  7. Kamil Bartoszewicz

    I can use an excel spread sheet to organize daily tasks, appointments, phone calls… etc. This tool is very useful because it can make your life a lot easier and a lot more organized with your upcoming tasks, payments and so on.

  8. Andy Escobedo

    one instance I utilized Excel was when I was working in my internship. we had a list to finish and when we were done we check it off in excel. so we used Excel as a recorder to keep track of the data and information completed and when if need be we can return and check the information recorded.

    In addition I used Excel to a create graph from my data collected from physic. with the information gather the graph will show how my data is compared to the theoretical measurement.

  9. Aramis Chalen

    Well to answer your question prof. Bonanome, Excel is a time sheet to help us to be organized throughout the weeks, months or maybe years, i would use Excel to help me be organized with my daily routine; such as , having a set up time to wake up early and sleeping early, you could also use excel to set up a gym/ workout session during the day or night , excel is also useful to help you with your financial income/ bills and see the how much you spend or not, EXCEL can be useful for many different things and have us be on top of things

  10. S M Arifuzzaman Akash

    Excel can be a helpful tool for almost everyone. As a student, excel can help me in planning on my study hours, keeping track of my grade, and making predictions about my grades. To illustrate, in Excel, I can choose column cells to write the name of the courses I am taking in a semester orderly. Then, I can orderly insert my test grades to the cells adjacent to the respective courses. Additionally, I can categorize those adjacent cells in homework, paper, assignments, or final exam in different columns for a better understanding. Now, at the end of the adjacent cells, I can create a column for the final grade, and if I create a formula for the final course grades using each course’s grading criteria, I can predict my final course grades for each course. Moreover, looking at the earlier test or assignment grades I can take decisions on how I should study for the next exam to attain a good grade in that course. Not only this but Excel can also be a great tool for my daily life as it can be used to keep track of all the due dates of my assignments and upcoming exams. Additionally, I may also use the spreadsheet to list all my appointments and their dates and times on the adjacent cells with appropriate addresses and phone numbers.
    Apart from this, I can also use Excel to balance my monthly earnings and expenses. To illustrate, as I left my earlier job and have started a new job recently, I need to find a balance between my income and expenses. Since my income is a certain amount, I need to concentrate on my monthly expenses to find a balance. Using Excel, I can name a column as monthly expenses and orderly list all my expenditures underneath it, and on the adjacent columns to all the expenses, I can write the amount of each expense with the dollar sign. Now, at the end of the amount column, I can add a cell for total expenses. Then, using the sum function I can add up all my expenses. However, by selecting all the cells except the total expense cell I can generate a pie chart for my monthly expenditure using the insert option from the ribbon. The pie chart will provide me a visual representation of my expenditures and looking at the slices of the pie chart, I can easily determine where I spend the most or the least, and what I need to do to balance my income and expenses. Also, I can generate a bar graph instead of the pie chart from the insert option which will show me the expenditures as bars. Then looking at the bars or slices I can take decisions to balance my income and expenses. For instance, the pie chart or bar graph may show me that I am expending a big chunk of money in my gym membership which is not reasonable at this circumstance considering my income. Therefore, I may pause my gym membership considering my income to make a balance between my expenses and income.
    In this way, Excel can help me accomplishing different types of daily, weekly or monthly tasks.

  11. Stan

    I look at stocks on the side and I use Excel to track my wins and losses and profits I made off my trades. Also, I add in notes of why this trade was successful and why this trade wasn’t. It’s very helpful in which it manages everything I have. It’s like a little portfolio. I’ve been doing it since June 1st and its now almost September and to see the journey I’ve been on, and I’m grateful to have a program like Excel. It keeps you discipline in any field your using it for whether its trading, budgeting or daily tasks.

  12. MichaelQuintuna

    I can use Excel for many things that include creating charts and graphs for college or job work or settling personal things like monthly subscriptions for example. I use Excel to manage my monthly spending especially during this particular time as doing so uncovers money being wasted. This helps me better allocate my resources, thereby ensuring that I always get the most out of my paycheck and makes it easier to set financial goals too.

  13. Yani acham

    Hello everybody,
    I am Yani Acham, as engineer student I use excel to do the table of my lab report, it is easy to copy the formula and get directly the result. I also own a online business that I use excel to organize my inputs and outputs, it makes me clear how my business is going on. Excel is used to report my work time sheet, and I can manage my schoolschedule and my work schedule.

    • Marianna Bonanome

      Super interesting Yani, congrats on the business. Looking forward to hearing more about it!

  14. Kristen Narcisi

    I have used excel in the past to record radon slide readings when I worked in a lab. We’d separate them by the location that it was extracted, count the slides individually, record them, and then do an average. I have also used excel in one of my biological statistics courses to record and analyze different morphological feature of a species. We received a random collection of a certain fish species from the same lake and recorded which ones had a certain feature. My goal is to be a data scientist so I am looking forward to learning more about processing data through excel.

    • Marianna Bonanome

      Kristen – this class will be so important for you as a data scientist! I’m excited for you, especially for when you do your group research project.

  15. Mehnaz

    Excel is a software that is generally used to organize and store many data sets. Using its features and formulas it can help us keep track of various datas. A daily, weekly or monthly task I think I can use excel is to help me accomplish as a student is preferably to organize my schedule, daily task, expenditures/income. Science courses like physics do tend to require lab reports utilizing excel. It makes things easier when it comes to jotting down formulas and getting the results directly. Excel can also be used for analyzing expenses and savings on a weekly basis giving us an idea of where we stand when it comes to handling money.

  16. jaheidjalen

    Since Microsoft Excel makes it easy to see and understand number spreads, I can use microsoft excel for budgeting on a monthly basis. In specific I can do this by making a section based on money coming in for the month, along with another section based on money used for expenses such as food, utilities, and other things. I can keep track of the total revenue made for the month and the total expenses coming out. This will allow me to easily see how manageable the budget i’m using is because the numbers will be laid out on Excel in a way that is easy to read and understand.

  17. Mohammad Uddin

    I used excel for my QA analyst to run my test. Its really help me to finis and organized testing easily. also i used excel to my tax information.

    • Marianna Bonanome


      Please give more details: What is a “QA analyst” and what does it mean to “run my test?” What is the test? How did Excel help run it?

      Prof. Bonanome

      • Mohammad uddin

        QA is a Quality assurance. QA Does testing software and website. Also, we developed software and fix bugs. And test means “testing software if there is any bug or any issue. In excel we can make the program step by step and make it organized the data. After that, we can easily copy those data from excel and paste it our website and it really helps us to run the program faster and easier.

  18. Daisy R

    Microsoft Excel makes it easy to read and understand. Using Microsoft Excel formulas can help me stay on top of data. I would use Excel to help me keep me track of my budgeting. As someone that has money but uses it for unnecessary things, excel can help me to remind myself about budget, and save up some money for a career that I can invest in. It can also make my life easier by making it do what I want it to do like conditional formatting, pivot tables, adding more rows, and extend formulas. Excel can be a wonderful tool to use to organize.

  19. Denys Gorditsa

    Microsoft Excel was perfectly programmed to make it easier to organize things. I used it, to do my work more faster because it’s have a lot of different tools like (calculation, managing, flash fill, etc…) that could save time, and of course It becomes easier for me to store data and I always know where to find it.

  20. Veron Nelson

    Excel on a monthly basis can be used to keep track of bill payment

  21. Jordan Grant

    MIcrosoft Excel is an easy, fast, and efficient way keep data organized. It can be used for calculations, budget income, schedule planning, etc. Using Excel helps me to keep track of money. I use one section for how much money I have spent, and another for how much money I receive. I also use it to keep track of my workouts. I use one column for what workouts I do, another column for the days I workouts, and one more column for the number of reps I do for each workout. I am able to record my workouts and record how much money I spend and receive using Excel. It make it so much easier and understandable to keep track of data.

  22. Joao Barros

    In general, excel can be extremely useful for business. I used it to keep track of my expenses and income, plan budgets, chart data, and succinctly present fiscal results.

  23. Israt Jahan Ema

    I can use excel for almost everything I want to do. Especially my assignments for example i used excel in GDP yearly based which was from one of my courses. I used it with so much information in one page easily. Excel is a really helpful website. I can even graph in excel. I can use it for my daily purposes too. It helps me to manage massive data. I can also use formulas which is a really good advantage of using excel. Excel makes life easier. I can do my daily schedule through excel. I can put all my information and the work I have to do for the day. I can also include my daily expenses or my monthly incomes. Excel is really beneficial in organizing.

  24. Ricardo Gonzalez

    Excel could be used as a way to manage or look at what you spend throughout the day/week/month. You can have even its own categories as one for food another for bills,essential needs,and entertainment as well. It could organize and tell you if you spending to much on one specific product or spending less of what you need.

  25. Alvie

    Somethings I can use excel for in my everyday life is budgeting my income and my expense. I can use it to record how much money I’m making in a week compared to how much I’m spending and how much I have left to save. I can use this to check my income and expenses for the week, month, and even year. Using excel I can budget myself to a specific expense cost to hit a specific saving amount that I would like to have.

  26. Marcel A

    Record my online sales is something I can use excel for. I usually buy items from different sources at low prices to sell. The initial prices at which I get the items gets increased before I resell them in order to gain. Therefore I can use excel to record the list of items I’m selling, their initial prices, the price I’m reselling them so I can can see how much I’m benefiting on my listing.
    I can have my table this way “ITEMS, RETAIL PRICE, RESELL PRICE, BENEFIT, TOTAL BENEFIT” on the top and have the datas go under.

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