MAT1275/D225 – Spring 2024

Instructor: Suman Ganguli

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Office hours – Mon Feb 12

Since we don’t have class today (the college is closed for Lincoln’s birthday), I will instead have office hours over Blackboard Collaborate during our class time.

To join office hours, log in to Blackboard and go to our Blackboard Collaborate page; I have scheduled a session for today 12p-1:40p.

Please join if you have WebWork exercises you want to go through together, or want to ask about examples we went through in class.

Class 4 Recap (Wed Feb 7)



First we did a couple more examples from the “Integer Exponents” WebWork:

We introduced polynomials of various degrees:

Polynomials are degree 1 are simply “linear expressions,” i.e., expressions of the form Ax + B; an example from “Linear Expressions” WebWork:

Previewing how we will solve quadratic equations using the quadratic formula:

We looked at the graph of the quadratic polynomial above in Desmos, and noted how the solutions of the corresponding quadratic equation give the x-intercepts of the parabola. See:

Multiplying polynomials–in particular, using “FOIL” to multiply two (linear) “binomial” expressions:

Another example from “Multiply Polynomials”:

Class 3 Recap (Mon Feb 5)



Example from “Order of Operations”:

We extended this example to write the equation of a line passing through the two given points (a topic we will cover later in the semester):

Examples from “Integer Exponents”:

Example from “Evaluate Add Subtract Polynomials”:

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