Reminder: Editor Papers due the night of the group’s presentation

Remember, if you are Editor, your paper is due the night of the group’s presentation. So editors from groups 3 and 4 should hand in their papers by midnight tonight. Editors from groups 1 and 2 should have handed their paper in last Thursday, etc. If you ever miss a deadline for this class, try to get the work in as soon as you can afterwards.

Thanks for the presentations today, see you all on Thursday!

Dr. M

More on self-care

Professor Almond forwarded this recent article related to her discussion about self care for all of you.

You can also see more on student self-care here:

As we enter pandemic-time finals, remember to check your anxiety and take good care of yourself! 

See you tomorrow. 

Dr. M

Written Report Grades Posted

Dear Class, 

I received a fantastic set of written papers from this class, one of the best sets I’ve ever received. On the whole they were really well done! I’m looking forward to your presentations, coming up soon. In the meantime, I suggest looking at your graded papers on, and thinking about how you can improve or tweak your arguments for the group presentation. 

I’ll see you in a little while for our guest lecture this afternoon. 


Dr. M

Handout 3 on group presentations now posted

Dear Class, 

It is hard to believe that group presentations are starting in just two weeks! You can see the date your group is assigned by looking at the class schedule. Groups 1+2 will kick off the presentations on May 6. 

I have now posted some brief instructions, as well as the rubric, for group presentations. You can see it here:

It is very similar to the paper assignment, except that the group must deliberate together to come up with a shared thesis. See the sheet for more details. 

Let me know if you have any questions!

Dr. M

Reminder: Papers due tomorrow, before midnight!

Dear Class, 

Please remember that written reports for the case study are due tomorrow before midnight, on! (For all roles except Editor–Editor papers due on the day of the group presentation).

Remember to upload your paper at least a few minutes before it is due, so that you have time to use the originality checker, and resubmit before midnight if there is a problem! You cannot resubmit the assignment after midnight. 


Dr. M

Reminder: No synchronous class today

Remember, there is no synchronous class session today. We will not be meeting on Zoom. Please watch the video for today’s guest lecture, and remember to comment! You can see the assignment and video here:

The assignment is due by 2:30pm on Tuesday. 


Dr. M

Reminder: No synchronous class today!

Please watch the guest lecture for today and make a comment. You can find the lecture below. Remember, your comments are due before our next class (Thursday, 4/15 at 2:30pm). Enjoy!

Dr. M


Homework Assignment 3 grades posted

Dear Class, 

Your graded homework assignments with your thesis and supporting arguments are now graded. 

Please pay careful attention to the comments I have made on your papers on! You will need to take these carefully if you want to maximize your grade on the written report. 

Please let me know if you have any questions while writing your papers, I will do my best to help you. 


Dr. M