Homework Assignment 1 Grades Posted

Homework Assignment 1 grades have been posted on turnitin.com. Please look there for comments and feedback. 

If you handed in a revised version, I graded that version. If you only submitted the original assignment, I graded that version. Whichever one was graded, that is your grade for the first assignment. You cannot revise the assignment if you have already received a grade. 

If you did not submit either assignment, you may still submit the assignment late. 

Groups and Cases posted!

Groups and cases for the group project have now been posted in the Group Project folder on Blackboard. You can see your group here. You can find your case here.

You will want to start working on your case soon. Before you do that, you need to do two things: 

  1. Leave your preferred contact information for other group members in the thread for your group on Blackboard here. You may want to leave a phone number, email, or other information so that you can work together on the group project.
  2. Once you have their information, get in touch with group members and determine each member’s role in the group (Physician, Nurse, Philosopher, Editor). When you have determined your group role, please let Dr. MacDougall know your role here: https://forms.gle/Hyk4ujCBXP4c6cfH9

Once you have your role determined, you can begin working on your annotated bibliography. 

Let me know if you have any questions. 


Dr. M

No class tomorrow (Thurs 9/16); revised homework due date

Dear Class, 

I forgot that there are no classes at City Tech tomorrow (Thursday 9/16), so we won’t be meeting. 

I announced earlier that our first homework assignment is due on 9/16, but since there is no class, I have revised it so that it is now due before class next Tuesday (i.e. before 3:59pm on 9/21). 

Ok, I will see you then! Enjoy the holiday.

Dr. M 

Please upload all written work to turnitin.com

Dear Class, 

For this class we will upload all written assignments to turnitin.com. You will need to create an account before you can upload assignments. 

You can find our class ID and enrollment key in Blackboard. Make sure to get your account set up before our first homework assignment is due, this Thursday (9/16) at 3:59pm. 

See you today in class!

Dr. M



Dear Students, 

Greetings from virtual space! I’m Dr. MacDougall, your professor for Health Care Ethics (PHIL 2203ID). I hate that we have to meet like this—do you? Perhaps we can all agree that it is different and interesting and convenient. I’d still much rather be in a real classroom with real faces. 

There are three things that I want you to know before our first day of class. 

1. This will be a (mostly) synchronous class. That means you will need to plan on being logged in to Zoom between 4-5:15pm on class days. To be successful in this class, it will be extremely important to log into the Zoom sessions during class time and to participate fully in class. Classes will not be recorded and I do not post notes or slides, in part because I want to encourage classroom participation. Please do not schedule work or other commitments during our scheduled class time. If you have a special circumstance, you will need to discuss it with me in advance. Our first class will take place Thursday, August 26, at 6pm. I will call roll during the class. The Zoom invitation can be found in Blackboard.  

2. Most of our written interactions, class updates and materials, are available on our OpenLab site. Please join our OpenLab section as soon as possible. You will be required to join in order to participate in online discussions. You can also see the schedule and assignments there.

3. This class is an Open Educational Resource (OER) course. That means there is no textbook, and all readings are freely available online. This saves you money and means you can store all our readings on your hard drive, indefinitely! You can find links to class readings on the OpenLab Schedule page.

Let me know if you have any questions. I’m looking forward to meeting you.

Dr. MacDougall