Groups and Cases posted!

Groups and cases for the group project have now been posted in the Group Project folder on Blackboard. You can see your group here. You can find your case here.

You will want to start working on your case soon. Before you do that, you need to do two things: 

  1. Leave your preferred contact information for other group members in the thread for your group on Blackboard here. You may want to leave a phone number, email, or other information so that you can work together on the group project.
  2. Once you have their information, get in touch with group members and determine each member’s role in the group (Physician, Nurse, Philosopher, Editor). When you have determined your group role, please let Dr. MacDougall know your role here:

Once you have your role determined, you can begin working on your annotated bibliography. 

Let me know if you have any questions. 


Dr. M

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