Gowanus Canal Conservatory Site Visit
I had no previous knowledge of the severity the Gowanus Canal is facing. Taking this tour and learning of its past history has empowered me to realize the many issues the canal presents to the surrounding community. The canal has been polluted for over 150 years by the various surrounding businesses and run-off water. Having the tour guide explain that the ground itself is polluted over 5 feet under, I can’t imagine how such a clan u can be reached to one day have clean (safe) water.
The pollution came from run-off water and multiple businesses such as: a coal company, a cement, human waste and uncontrolled dumping. The EPA has called the site a Superfund and has allocated over $500 million dollars for its cleanup. The Gowanus Canal Conservatory is assisting in transforming the surrounding street along the canal to prevent run-off water to enter the canal by planting green spaces, trees and plants. The Whole Foods store has implemented various energy saving technologies; such as solar panels, wind farms and a greenhouse atop the store. Rezoning has allowed new building developments along the canal and surrounding businesses are more conscious of their impact; such as the cement company not washing their trucks on premises so the runoff water does not enter the canal.