Mentor text analysis of podcast– Leslie

  1. How a Holocaust survivor sees the world today 
  1. Julling at Brooklyn Tech High School 
  1. My incarcerated family 

“How a holocaust survivor sees the world today”:

The title of the podcast in my opinion suits the podcast really well since Mr. Warner Glass survived the holocaust and shows how he sees the world today.  

Opening- The podcast starts off with Glass speaking about a photo of himself during his childhood and then the podcast creator Lila Shroff introduces the person who was talking about their childhood. I noticed that the podcast included calming piano-type music. I begin to know what the podcast was about after Glass talked about his childhood pictures and when Shroff gave information about when the Nazis rose to power. I know who is the speaker by their voice but also by the introductory part of the podcast. I know who the voice belongs to because they are both very different. There is like a woman’s voice and then a man’s.  

Middle part- The podcast keeps my attention by describing those specific details that draw me into thinking if that was still going on today would we even survive at all? And more. This podcast actually involves lots of background research which in my opinion really makes things clear. This research helps the reader understand the topic by informing the reader how bad things were at the time and what Mr. Glass felt at that time. I do think that the creator of this podcast told the story beforehand because it seems like she has somewhat of a connection with the person and was really comfortable with having him in the podcast.  

Outro- The podcast ends with her explaining how Mr. Glass sees the world like and his current life today. Like where he lives now and more. The sounds that are used in the ending are calm soft piano-like music. The rhetorical appeal that is mostly used in the podcast is pathos because of the sad experiences and hardships Mr. Glass had to go through. I think the message of this podcast is life was never hard for the past generation groups. Many of them went through stuff we never could have imagined making it hard to overcome that past. I think the primary audience would be the young teens who think their life is easy now and think “Oh I never went through that” or “Who cares about war it’s not that big of a deal.” The podcast was about 5 minutes long.

Some aspects I will avoid in my podcast are trying to repeat anything and try not to bore the listener. I will also try to make my podcast as interesting as I can and try to add many different sounds.

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