Shitty First Draft– Kaiulani Perez

Part A: Based on Lamott’s article, writing a first draft is more about the progress than the product because your first drive is a way for you to get all your ideas out on the paper even if it is bad. From getting all your ideas out on paper you can then figure out how you want the rest of your writing to go and either take out or add things you feel that are necessary.  

Part B: “Almost all good writing begins with terrible first efforts. You need to start somewhere. Start by getting something— anything—down on paper.” I feel like this quote is significant to the point that she is trying to get across which is that writing is a process, and the beginning of your writing process can only make progress with your first efforts. Even if your first efforts are terrible. Getting something down on a paper is a good place to start so your writing can grow into the final product.  

Part C: This article’s genre is informative because the author is informing us and reassuring us that having a shitty first drive is OK and a good starting place for all writing.  

4 thoughts on “Shitty First Draft– Kaiulani Perez”

  1. Hey Kaiulani, I love your explanation of the quote. I agree with having to just write whatever comes to our mind that way it guides us to our final writing piece.

  2. Hi Kaiulani, the quote you used is great it shows how a first draft is meant to be messy. I also loved they way you used the quote to connect it to the main idea of how a first draft is a process.

  3. Hi Kaiulani! I agree with your explanation of the quote you used first efforts can contribute to a good final product. I also agree with the way you described the process of the first draft and how it’s necessary for the outcome of the final draft.

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