Outline Genre project podcast- Jacob. B

Title- The Benifits of Weightlifting

 Intro I – (The sounds of metal weights clanking against each other.) Many people say that going to the gym to lift weights isn’t easy. I believe that the only truth behind that comes from a person’s mind set. Vincent Lam a personal trainer with a kinesiology degree says people have 168 hours a week and it only takes 2 hours a week to live a better and healthier life. My Name is Jacob Bastidas, and in this podcast, you will find me talking about how weightlifting is shown to have many benefits on the human body and mind. Studies at the Valley Health system a hospital branch located in both New York and New Jersey show many ways how weightlifting can improve a person’s physical health. Even though there are many physical benefits that can happen to everyone’s body. A different benefit that could be found in lifting is improving mental health. I asked my long-time friend Fabian R and my own mother who both spend a good amount of time in the weight room questions on some of the research I learned. 

Middle II –

  • Talk briefly about my own experience in weightlifting
  • Asked how does weightlifting play a role in your mental health?
  • What is it about the lifting that you find yourself going back every day? / The Zen of Weight Lifting
  • What is a significant way that your body’s health has changed due to training? / Valley health
  • How have your daily life activities been improving?

Outro III – As you can you see by, incorporating weightlifting in your daily life it can show many improvements to your health. This type of training is for adults of all ages, and everyone will see changes on themselves both physical and mentally. All the research that I have done has resulted in beneficial outcomes. So why pay hundreds of dollars for a therapist when you can feel better for a cheaper price in the weight room. With this podcast I don’t mean go and try to pick up 100 lb and do it for 12 reps, do as much weight as you can do so that your body can build it strength inside and out. This hobby might just be one of the greatest ways to becoming healthy by taking care of your mind and body.  

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