RAB Source Entry #3- Diana Perez

  • MLA Citation: Essential Tipping | Reto Wittwer | TEDxAixwww.youtube.com, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BPcVj-WEq1A. Accessed 18 Nov. 2023.

Summary: In the TedTalk “Essential Tipping” spoken by Reto Wittwer, the CEO of Kempinski hotels and resorts, he starts his talk by introducing his father who he gives a lot of credit to the reason why he became a very generous, respectful and kind man. Wittwer then talks about the reason for being in hospitality is he loves to please people and interact with people since it gives him satisfaction. Wittwer brings up his internships and how he came upon a situation in which he witnessed the injustices of tipping within hotels when he was in Switzerland, and he describes the situation how he is putting in most of the work and his colleague follows him around like a peacock and gets all the tips. Wittwer then expresses how if he ever becomes general manager, he wouldn’t let that happen in his hotel. He goes on discusses how there is a social imbalance in tipping. He gives an example of a sushi bar, the sushi chef who is right in front of you serving you food doesn’t get tipped but the busboy who cleans up after you gets the tip you’re giving. He informs us how there is no guideline to tipping because of all the different cultural customs. He talks about how generosity is a wholistic way of being and tipping is a material side to it since it makes the person who is serving you feel good in what they are doing since you are giving them recognition for their job.

Reflection: I strongly agree with Wittwer about the connection between tipping and being generous. I work at a café shop, and I have customers who come that I remember them by name, and I treat them as if I’ve known them for years. And they respect that, and they show that recognition though tipping. At the end of the day it does make me feel good, that my kindness is getting recognition. The people who tip are the most generous. Everyone has that option on the screen to not tip but some people do out of the kindness from their heart. That’s why I find it very important in hospitality to be kind and to interact with everyone it pleases both the customer and the server in the long run.

Rhetorical Analysis: The genre of this source is a ted talk. The purpose of this TED talk is to teach people to have more generosity towards the people serving them, as well as for people to be mindful and respectful of different cultural customs. The audience is towards people who travel a lot and people getting tipped since they relate to this. The tone of this source is he is very passionate about what he is saying. Wittwer perspective is important since he is a wealthy man, and he wants everyone to understand how he thinks of the world. TedTalk is a reliable source because it has perspectives of CEOs who are very wealthy and have been in this business for a long time and they know what they are saying since they viewed it firsthand. Wittwer appeals to ethos because he wants people to feel how deep this is and how tipping comes from the person you are.

Notable Quotables: “There is no rule there is no guideline. You try to tip a guy in Japan he is deeply offended because it is not in his cultural custom”

“Generosity that i learned from my father is a holistic way of being and tipping is a material citrate”

“In the hospitality business in the exchange of service the most important thing is the valuation through recognition through just being nice”

4 thoughts on “RAB Source Entry #3- Diana Perez”

  1. Hi Diana, I think you did well.  In your summary, you described what the video was about and I could understand well based on your summary what it was about. I like the example you put in the summary it shows that you took your time writing this source entry.  I like how you wrote how meaningful you felt the video was in your reflection and described how and why you strongly agreed with the author. For the rhetorical analysis, you answered all the requirements for it and the purpose you stated does seem to be the reason for what TED talks do. Honestly in my opinion I don’t see anything you need to improve.

  2. Hi Diana, I think your summary is well written and really expressing the main points spoken about in the ted talk. The rhetorical analysis was really well written I can see how you relate to this topic and how you and many others who work in hospitality may feel when it comes to tipping. In your writing you showed your interest in this topic and how you can relate to it. Overall I think you did a good job.

  3. Fix your labeling!

    There are interesting ideas on tipping that come in the second half of his talk that you have missed. I would focus my summary more on this second half because this is where he focuses more on tipping. Can you listen more carefully, and get some of these points in? He expresses frustration that there is no guideline for tipping and frustration on the “imbalance” and “social injustice”. He discusses the different confusing ways patrons tip.(What about the confusion caused by the 3000 Euro tip? That gives me original ideas for a reflection! Remember that your Reflection needs to respond to MIs from the talk!) What is his concept and focus on generosity? What are his ending tips on tipping?

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