RAB Source 3–Kinga Zimnoch

My Research question is: Does exercise improve mental health? 

Entry Source #3 

Part 1: MLA 

Wendy Suzuki. “The Brain-Changing Benefits of Exercise.” March 21,2018.  

Wendy Suzuki: The brain-changing benefits of exercise | TED 

Part 2: Summary 

In the Ted talk “The Brain Changing Benefits of Exercise” Wendy Suzuki is a neuroscientist that aims to inspire her audience to exercise to benefit mood, memory, and help with depression. Suzuki shares her experience being at the height of her research by doing a study on how the brain works and memory. At that same moment in time, she had no social life because of her work schedule. She was not active and gained 25 pounds, Suzuki admitted she was miserable. It is explained that the rafting trip she took alone made her feel weak and that there had to be a change. When trying the different type of exercises like yoga and dance, she felt a change in feeling powerful. That is when Suzuki noticed she did an Unintentional study. Suzuki exclaims that exercise is the most transformative from her own experience in losing the 25 pounds she gained from depression as well as feeling better mentally and physically, for the next three reasons. Her study has quick results which include increasing your mood, improving attention span and increased mobility with age. At the end of her ted talk she has the audience do a one-minute exercise to get them into the thought of being active and that anyone can do it. 

Part 3: Reflection 

This Ted talk stood out to me because of the way Suzuki presented her point in a memory that made me feel what she was feeling. When I looked at her speak I thought I relate to this woman. Suzuki explained everything so clearly and knew her topic well and was very uplifting. Growing up I disliked the way I looked and the one thing every parent would say to me is “maybe you should lose some weight”. I like how she went straight to the point clearly but also kept me wondering with her. It evokes my own memories of relating to this story when instead of using exercise as a way to lose weight which is what I did at first and it drained me. I used exercise as a way to get strong, distract me, and to feel more confident. I started a real journey with this in the beginning of 2023 and changed a lot since then. It left me awe all the way the audience mood changed throughout Suzuki’s talk from sitting quietly with a neutral expression to smiling and participating excitingly in her minute exercise. Suzuki story felt very inspirational to me, and I would share this with everyone I know to see if they can benefit from it or feel the same way I did.  

Part 4: Rehctorical analysis 

Wendy Suzuki is a professor of neurol science and psychology at New York University. This style is a seminar. The purpose of this Ted talk is to inspire the live audience, which is everyone to start their exercise journey. Suzuki uses a lot of pathos when talking when she tells the audience about how she had no friends, no social life, and she was depressed because she was overworked, and it was draining her. Logos were used with her own research she had at work and her personal experience. The tone is enthusiastic and passionate. She had good posture and open inviting hands gestures that made the environment feel comfortable. Ted talk is a credible source because the work is overlooked many times through a team before published. TED speakers have won every major prize that was rewarded for excellence.  

Part 5: Notable quotable  

“I am talking about the powerful effects of physical activity. Simply moving your body, has immediate, long-lasting and protective benefits for your brain.” (Suzuki) 

“But when I stuck my head out of my lab door, I noticed something. I had no social life. I spent too much time listening to those brain cells in a dark room, by myself. I didn’t move my body at all. I had gained 25 pounds. And actually, it took me many years to realize it, I was actually miserable.” (Suzuki) 

“And I focused my type-A personality on going to all the exercise classes at the gym. I tried everything. I went to kickbox, dance, yoga, step class and at first it was really hard. But what I noticed after every sweat-inducing workout that I tried, I had this great mood boost and this great energy boost. And that’s what kept me going back to the gym.” (Suzuki) 

“The hippocampus – or exercise actually produces brand new brain cells, new brain cells in the hippocampus, that actually increase its volume, as well as long-term memory.” (Suzuki) 

“I want to leave you with one last thought. And that is, bringing exercise in your life today, but it will protect your brain from incurable diseases. And in this way it will change the trajectory of your life for the better.” (Suzuki) 

1 thought on “RAB Source 3–Kinga Zimnoch”

  1. Suzuki exclaims that exercise is the most transformative from her own experience in losing the 25 pounds she gained from depression as well as feeling better mentally and physically [unclear sentence], for three reasons [WHAT are the three reasons?]. Her study has quick results by increasing your mood, improving attention span and increased mobility with age. [sentence has awkward and unclear phrasing].

    In general, you can work on improving clarity of expression.

    Need better Reflection.

    Good quotables.

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