Intro- Starleen Lopez

Dear fellow classmates, my name is Starleen Lopez. Many of you may know me from speaking a lot in class. Well, I wanted you guys to get to know me a little more in this introduction. I was born in Brooklyn, New York but the majority of my life I was living in Florida. I came back to New York in 2021 and I attended The High School For Global Citizenship. I was President of the Green team, a plant based green club. Another club I attended was cheerleading, I was the loudest on the team. I then graduated in 2023 being First Generation to complete high school and I am an ongoing college student to pursue my dream of radiology but I’m considering being a radiologist. My family is extremely proud of me and I myself am proud of how far I’ve come. I am now working in a supermarket called Stop and Shop as a cashier. It’s been great so far! Since I moved to New York I got to see more of my family and made friends that support me and my growth. I want you all to know some more facts about me, what I like to do, my ethnicity, and goals. My ethnicity is American Puerto Rican. I always say I’m a “no sabo” which means I don’t speak Spanish and I understand very little. I would love to learn my language and one day travel to my country. My goals are very simple yet feel so hard. Some of my goals are graduating college, getting my permit/license, and moving out. A have a whole bunch of more goals but if I was to name all of them it would be like a 5-year-old Christmas list. I like to do many things. But one thing I miss the most is playing the flute. I played the flute when I lived in Florida. I was in a marching band when I attended Deland High School. I played the flute for about 4 years when I had to stop due to money issues. If I could ever buy myself a flute, I would. Playing music was a way for me to escape how I felt. It made me forget about my problems. That’s a very big reason why I miss it. Another hobby I love is playing video games. It’s another way I can escape my problems and enjoy myself for a little bit. I am very competitive, so I like to win and beat my friends in games. A hobby I’ve been getting into recently is skateboarding and playing sports. I have always been a tomboy and loved to play rough. I played baseball, soccer, and football. Now I’m not saying I’m pro at these, but I would love to be one day. With all this being said I would love to end my introduction here and I hope you all enjoyed it.

1 thought on “Intro- Starleen Lopez”

  1. THis is a great introduction full of details and I absolutely love the pictures! I learned so so many interesting things about you Star! I also love to do a lot of different sports. AND — Florida — that is a state that politcally I would have a hard time living in! But I love the Spanish culture there — the food, hearing the Spanish language.

    ONE big writing tip: Make paragraph breaks — Avoid long blocks of text. New topic = New Paragraph.

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