Mentor Text Analysis — Nael Ottman


Link to mentor text:

The #1 way to strengthen your mind is to use your body | Wendy Suzuki

The mentor text grabs the audience’s attention by Suzuki telling her story about her journey to learning about the hippocampus. She uses the research she did in the lab to make the video. It’s credible because she states her profession: “I’m Dean of the College of Arts and Science at New York University and Professor of Neuroscience and Psychology.” The text incorporates storytelling by Suzuki sharing her personal story. The visuals make the video easy to understand and include Suzuki sitting down and talking to us like we are conversing. The audio is nice and clear and also has calming background music. The text structure is broken down into four parts. The beginning is her personal story. The second part is talking about explaining what “runners high” is. The third part is about the prefrontal cortex and hippocampus. The last part is about ways to move your body. The video is six minutes long. The audience is people who struggle mentally. It comes to an end by giving us different ways to use your body. The main takeaway is to start small and to get progressively better at strengthening your mind. I will emulate the visuals and the background music it used. I will avoid talking face-to-face with the camera.

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