Practice Reflection and Rhetorical Analysis and Quotes – AJ

Part 3: Reflection

I agree with Berliners article, ” Schools Are Killing Curiosity”. I believe that schools just structure you to “shut up and learn” and that’s why I enjoy the way Berliner structured the article. She structured it in …

Practice Reflection and Rhetorical Analysis and Quotes – Nason

Part 3 Reflection

I agree with the author’s claim that schools drain the curiosity out of students. This is because schools are run by strict rules that limit “time for questions” or “time for creativity and following up on curiosity.”(pg) …

Practice Reflection and Rhetorical Analysis and Quotes – Edwin

Part 3 Reflection:

I agree with Berliner’s point of view, and I believe that Matt Cadwell’s statement on page two of the text is important. Cadwell believes that “School kills curiosity. When do children get to ask questions about things …

Practice Reflection and Rhetorical Analysis and Quotes – Bithiah

Part 3 Reflection

I agree with the information provided by the author. I would place more emphasis on Matt Cadwell’s comment, which states, “School kills curiosity. When do children get to ask questions about things that interest them? As soon …

Practice Reflection and Rhetorical Analysis and Quotes –Jason Gorbenko

Part 3 Reflection

After reading “Schools Kill Curiosity,” I completely agree with the author’s argument that the education system can stifle curiosity and creativity in students. To combat this, I think that project-based learning is a fantastic solution. By allowing …

Practice Reflection and Rhetorical Analysis and Quotes – Manuel

Part 3 Reflection:

The Guardian article “Schools Are Killing Curiosity: Why We Need To Stop Telling Children To Shut Up And Learn” by Wendy Berliner I agree with Berliner that schools should stop telling students to Shut Up And Learn. …