Mentor Text Analysis – Odalys

William Siu’s op-ed article, “I Make Video Games. I Won’t Let My Daughters Play Them.” hooks the audience by introducing them to the recent legislation signed by Californian Gov. Gavin Newsom with the intent of protecting children’s privacy online. Siu incorporates research by using his former company’s data experiment, followed by the study of Brigham University, and more—all on the effects of video games. Siu incorporates a narrative angle by using personal anecdotes and emotional appeals. The text incorporates imagery by comparing game addiction to craving chocolate cake. The arch of this text begins by using logos, backed up by ethos, and finalized with pathos and three suggestions on how to address this issue. The op-ed is a five-minute read consisting of 20 paragraphs. Siu’s primary audience is parents, and he connects with them by using personal tales to come off as a concerned parent while using statistics to back him up. Moreover, Siu’s message is to bring awareness and protect children from malice online. In the same way, I will mirror Siu’s op-ed outline structure, imagery, and closure to deliver my RAB’s message.

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