Introduction – Chris

My name is Chris Anzurez. I am a Freshman In college. My major is computer science. Outside of school I have a average life. I work at a retail store where I have been recently promoted to an assistant manager. I have worked there for 4 months now. This job has helped me with many things from communication to time management. Now what I am building up is leadership as assistant manager. I am a hard worker and a fast learner. My mindset now is a buildup of trail and error. I did martial arts for 3 to4 years. It is one my biggest passion and thanks to it I built up strength both mental and physically. I have also built confidence thanks to it. The person I am now is thanks to that training and other factors.

I am very grateful towards my mom who has helped me with everything. She is the person who I admire the most. She has helped My older sister, younger brother, and I achieve a lot of things. My moms stories of her past and hardships as well as the results of her hardships are what drives me the most. It makes me want to be better or stronger to gain results that matches hers or go higher. Her stories have given me answers on how to deal with situations or not reach certain situation’s. I have also gotten advice from her on how to deal with certain things and how to do things which have helped me find a way to do things in my own way. My goal is to achieve success for myself and my mother who gave everything she had to push me forward. In the end I don’t find meaning in my name. What I find meaning in is both actions and mind.

4 thoughts on “Introduction – Chris”

  1. Congratulations on the promotion! I could relate to where you stated that you are hard worker and a fast learner, personally i like to apply pressure on myself and strive to be better always especially while working. To add on, being strong physically is important as it corresponds to activities on a daily basis, but in the end an individual’s mental strength is a summary of who a person is, mental strength can help keep you motivated, ambitious, on the right path, and force you to make your family proud.

  2. Nice Intro — Martial arts is a great all around sport. What type — we could say, what genre! — of MA do you do?

    It’s good that you are learning from your work expereience. Getting promoted in 4 months means you are a good worker. i agree that we learn many useful skills from being in the work world.

    WHERE IS YOUR VISUAL? I need a picture to associate your name with your face!

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