
Greeting my name is Manuel Jesus Lopez this would my first year in person at city tech I’m major in Electrical Engineering. Lived in Brooklyn my whole life I live with my mom and my two sisters I’m Dominican an porta Rican I didn’t know my farther very well This name is special on my mother side to my family in particular it belong to my great grandfather he was well respected individual in my family always they having him in high regard. thou I never met him it gave high bar to reach it was nice to know to was something personal it give me ambition to leave my mark on people to let them hold me in those regards like grand father. but to be so much more to make a standard to set the bar what greatness is it was the only legacy I hade imprinting on to it as something I want. but to be so much more to make a standard to set the bar what greatness is it was the only legacy I hade imprinting on to it as something I want. That what I want to leave a mark to change thing make history thou I don’t know how to do that, it is the desire that has consume my psyche nothing but remnant behind. I got sidetrack for moment there let see-

Dominican Republic (DR)

Why choose Electrical Engineering I gest it was curiosity tech I always fantasize it how all came to gather what part did what. I have this memory of old tetris port that you plug into the tv I don’t no why I found so interest the control was cool it a block that you swivel around to move the blocks. no matter how if you look intricate design there was all a way to simplify it bit by bit everything had use or purpose and bonus if it look cool . It always made sense like puzzle pieces fit to gather coherently. What else I have this strange affinity for volleyball even thou I barley even play, sometime I play basket ball on weekend with friends and that about it.

1 thought on “Intro-Manuel”

  1. Thx for the picture. Now I can put the name to the face! What did your great grandfather, for whom you are named, do? What is his story that made him so admired by the family? and what does “in piratical” mean?

    Manual: You must work on Run-On sentence errors! Please look on the Grammar/Writing Skills Page on the menu for help on this. It’s hard to understand your main ideas when the sentences all run together. WORK ON THIS NOW ASAP. It will get you off to a better start in this writing class.

    How are you finding the introductory Electrical Engineering classes so far?

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