Hello everyone my name is Andre, I am currently enrolled into my very first semester in city tech, I’m 20 years old and my birthday falls on April 2nd so I soon turn 21!! very happy I came this far in life and have so much ambition to be successful.before pursuing my career into accounting @city tech. I went to trade school and studied the fields of plumbing in addition to also owning a plumbers certification to work in the fields of plumbing. other than that, outside of my education life I am a multi athlete, I play varieties of sports such as football and baseball as 2 of my hobbies and mainly I play basketball basketball is my #1 first love, growing up watching my idol Kobe Bryant and witnessing him winning 2 of his 5 championships in the years 2009-2010. in my high school years from 2017-2020 I played in PSAL a sports league majority everybody is aware what it is. its a sports league for kids who are either willing to take it serious and use it as an advantage to pursue in other schools in triple A, double A or B division. in addition I like to go out and have fun with my families and friends wherever.
some background knowledge I would love to share with you all, I come from both a mixture of a Puerto Rican, and Dominican/afro latino family meaning other than speaking English I also do speak and understand Spanish but I can’t hand write in Spanish its too difficult. I’m the oldest of 4 from my mom side of my family, although I’m the youngest of 2 from my father side. I am also my dad’s only son and I am a 3rd generation adult meaning I carry on my grandfathers last name and carry on the legacy he built in the first place. I mainly eat Spanish foods, and also other dishes from my culture such as rice, chicken,beans, steak, mofongo, etc we have so many dishes I would love for all of you to try.

I like that you included the various foods in your culture and that you joined psal.
I like the way your talking about the PSAL because I use to play for it to when I was in highschool so I can relate to it.
I like the way you explained what PSAL was.
Hey Andre, I found it pretty cool that you decided to take a trade first instead of college as most people do. I can also relate to you as a Hispanic and eating rice and beans and having many siblings. Did you find plumbing a difficult trade? Do you want to get back into sports? I also wanted to ask what career do you see yourself achieving with an accounting degree.
I like how you included the foods linked to your culture.
Nice to learn about your plumbing career. I have heard that plumbers make a good salary and it is a good living. Were you happy working in that field. How and why did you decide on accounting? Is there a connection with your previous life and accounting? Are you good at numbers?
I love foods from other cultures. And I love to eat! What is mofongo?
Andre: Please work on capital letters.