Intro-Jason Gorbenko

Hello everybody, my name is Jason. This is my first semester enrolled here at City Tech. Just last week I was in high school and now I graduated and am a freshman in college, it is crazy how fast time flies. I am 18 years old, and my birthday is in November. Some background about me, my family is from Odessa, Ukraine but I was born here in NYC. I also have an older sister that was enrolled in City Tech for 2 years, studying nursing. From the age of 6 years old I got involved in sports. Starting from a young age I joined a basketball team for a year. I enjoyed basketball for a little while however, my passion moved on from basketball to MMA. Not to far from my house there was a MMA studio that was open for quite a while, I liked the idea of it. I ended up falling in love with it, it just made me feel powerful and helped me mentally feel happy. So, from the age of 7 I started going to the studio and continued to do so for a few years. By the age of 12 I ended my MMA career for the time being with a brown belt. 

I ended up having an injury that held up a lot of what I wanted to do at the time. I have been told that swimming helps with this injury by multiple people. I started out with a swim class at my local YMCA at the age of 13 and progressed my way up. I ended up on the swim team after only a year of swimming and it became one of favorite hobbies I would devote to. Since then, it is still my favorite sport. For the past 4 years I have been focusing on fitness. I have learned countless of new information over the years, and it is helping me improve in my health and my physique. The gym has become my safe space and is like therapy to me. As for the future I am looking to study more about the human brain and go into the neurology field possibly. I have always wanted to study how the brain works of the child and human behavior as well as their development.  

4 thoughts on “Intro-Jason Gorbenko”

  1. Dear Jason: Excellent intro. You told us a lot about yourself! I too am a swimmer and I swim about 3 or 4 times a week at the YMCA. It’s a great sport for your whole body and as I get older I appreciate how gentle on the joints swimming is. I also found my way through many sports including gymnastics. I was big into gymnastics as a teenager. As for MMA, one of my sons is learning jui-jitsu after doing boxing. And another of my sons is into cycling and my daughter is a frisbee team player.

    I like your comment: “The gym has become my safe space and is like therapy to me.” I know how important sports is for health and mental well being!

    Ukraine — I wonder how you feel about the war and Russia’s territorial goals in your country? And do you have family there? If so I hope they are ok. This is a global tragedy and we are all watching. I hope as the term goes on, you will share some of your knowledge about your country.

    Thx for the picture. Now I can match the name to the face in class!

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