New book chapter by Monica Berger–Teaching Authors about Predatory Journals in the One-on-One Consultation

Monica Berger, Associate Professor, Instruction and Scholarly Communications Librarian, recently published a book chapter “Teaching Authors about Predatory Journals in the One-on-One Consultation” in The Scholarly Communications Cookbook, edited by Brianna Buljung and Emily Bongiovanni (Association of College and Research Libraries). The chapter is licensed CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 to encourage adaption and reuse.

Scholarly Communications Cookbook

In 2-3 sentences, describe your scholarship or creative work to someone unfamiliar with the field.
This book chapter provides guidance to academic librarians so they can effectively help colleagues with questions about predatory or questionable publishers. It emphasizes the importance of reading and use of tools like Think. Check. Submit. that encourage critical thinking about evaluating publishing choices, a scholarly information literacy skill. A fun part of writing the chapter was the “Allergy Warnings” section where I tackle many of the sensitive aspects of these discussions and remind librarians that their role is not to determine if a publisher or journal is predatory.

What makes you particularly proud of this work?
It’s always exciting to share applied knowledge.

Anything else you’d like the reader of our blog to know about your work?
I am continuing to critique how the discourse on predatory publishing is saddled by notions of quality that are determined by publishers and other stakeholders in high income countries. That doesn’t mean there aren’t publishers who are unethical or who ignore fundamental best practices for scholarly publishing. It’s been quite challenging to work on a subject that is so ambiguous and continues to evolve.

Boost Your Scholarly Profile! Task 7: Get Started with Twitter

hiking-691739_960_720We conclude by learning how to promote your scholarship on Twitter.
About this series:
In partnership with the Faculty Commons and Associate Provost Brown, City Tech Library will provide a series of seven do-it-yourself, self-paced tasks for you to update, maintain or create your online scholarly presence.  By the end of the summer, your scholarship will be easier to find online and you will be on the path to stardom!
We will release a new task every week. Tasks will include how to create your Google Scholar Profile, creating your scholarly ID, using social media, and how to increase the impact of your work by adding it to CUNY Academic Works
Questions? Contact Prof. Monica Berger, Library.
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Boost Your Scholarly Profile! Task 6: Catch Up and Clean Up

hiking-691739_960_720This week, take some time to catch up on all of our tasks thus far.  This is also a good time to update any other professional accounts you might have (some options are listed at the bottom of this page) double-check your privacy settings on Facebook and other social media and more.
About this series:
In partnership with the Faculty Commons and Associate Provost Brown, City Tech Library will provide a series of seven do-it-yourself, self-paced tasks for you to update, maintain or create your online scholarly presence.  By the end of the summer, your scholarship will be easier to find online and you will be on the path to stardom!
We will release a new task every week. Tasks will include how to create your Google Scholar Profile, creating your scholarly ID, using social media, and how to increase the impact of your work by adding it to CUNY Academic Works
Questions? Contact Prof. Monica Berger, Library and check this webpage throughout the summer for new posts.
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Boost Your Scholarly Profile! Task 5: Update your CV and Post it Online

hiking-691739_960_720You already have a curriculum vitae, but can it be accessed online? Posting your CV to the Internet is an excellent way to raise your visibility and scholarly profile. You can post it via one of two simple methods: as a PDF document or as a webpage. City Tech faculty will want to consider using the OpenLab for sharing their CV.
About this series:
In partnership with the Faculty Commons and Associate Provost Brown, City Tech Library will provide a series of seven do-it-yourself, self-paced tasks for you to update, maintain or create your online scholarly presence.  By the end of the summer, your scholarship will be easier to find online and you will be on the path to stardom!
We will release a new task every week. Tasks will include how to create your Google Scholar Profile, creating your scholarly ID, using social media, and how to increase the impact of your work by adding it to CUNY Academic Works
Questions? Contact Prof. Monica Berger, Library and check this webpage throughout the summer for new posts.
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Boost Your Scholarly Profile! Task 4: Submit your work to City Tech’s institutional repository, CUNY Academic Works

Learn more about CUNY’s Institutional Repository, Academic Works and how it will make your scholarship be read more and cited more. The guide walks you through the steps of submitting your work.
About this series:
In partnership with the Faculty Commons and Associate Provost Brown, City Tech Library will provide a series of seven do-it-yourself, self-paced tasks for you to update, maintain or create your online scholarly presence.  By the end of the summer, your scholarship will be easier to find online and you will be on the path to stardom!
We will release a new task every week. Tasks will include how to create your Google Scholar Profile, creating your scholarly ID, using social media, and how to increase the impact of your work by adding it to CUNY Academic Works
Questions? Contact Prof. Monica Berger, Library and check this webpage throughout the summer for new posts.
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Boost Your Scholarly Profile! Task 3: Create Your Scholarly ID

Create a scholarly ID#, such as the ORCID, in order to have a unique number to associate with your scholarship.

About this series:
In partnership with the Faculty Commons and Associate Provost Brown, City Tech Library will provide a series of seven do-it-yourself, self-paced tasks for you to update, maintain or create your online scholarly presence.  By the end of the summer, your scholarship will be easier to find online and you will be on the path to stardom!
We will release a new task every week. Tasks will include how to create your Google Scholar Profile, creating your scholarly ID, using social media, and how to increase the impact of your work by adding it to CUNY Academic Works
Questions? Contact Prof. Monica Berger, Library and check this webpage throughout the summer for new posts.
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Boost Your Scholarly Profile! Task 2: Update or create your Google Scholar Profile

hiking-691739_960_720Google Scholar is a freely available tool that indexes scholarly publications.  Researchers can increase the status and reach of their scholarship in academia and industry by putting a bit of work into crafting their profiles in Google Scholar.

About this series:
In partnership with the Faculty Commons and Associate Provost Brown, City Tech Library will provide a series of seven do-it-yourself, self-paced tasks for you to update, maintain or create your online scholarly presence.  By the end of the summer, your scholarship will be easier to find online and you will be on the path to stardom!
We will release a new task every week. Tasks will include how to create your Google Scholar Profile, creating your scholarly ID, using social media, and how to increase the impact of your work by adding it to CUNY Academic Works
Questions? Contact Prof. Monica Berger, Library and check this webpage throughout the summer for new posts.
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Boost Your Scholarly Profile! Task 1: Google Yourself!

This summer, take some time to boost your scholarly profile!
In partnership with the Faculty Commons and Associate Provost Brown, City Tech Library will provide a series of seven do-it-yourself, self-paced tasks for you to update, maintain or create your online scholarly presence.  By the end of the summer, your scholarship will be easier to find online and you will be on the path to stardom!
We will release a new task every week. Tasks will include how to create your Google Scholar Profile, creating your scholarly ID, using social media, and how to increase the impact of your work by adding it to CUNY Academic Works
Task 1: Google Yourself!
The purpose of this task is to identify things you want to improve about your scholarly/professional profile. Throughout the summer, we will provide strategies to help you update your online presence and improve access to your scholarship.
Questions? Contact Prof. Monica Berger, Library and check this webpage throughout the summer for new posts.
Wishing you a productive summer!
Prof. Monica Berger, Chair, Scholarly Communications Committee, Library
Prof. Julia Jordan, Director, Faculty Commons
Associate Provost Pamela Brown
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Tech Happy Hour: Tools For Your Tablet

The City Tech Library, in partnership with the Faculty Commons, is pleased to invite all faculty and staff to a workshop. Do you have a tablet computer, either an iPad or Android device? Curious about how you can use it for more than watching movies or playing games? Join your colleagues for wine and cheese at this library workshop and learn about apps and strategies you can use to supercharge your tablet for your research, teaching, and productivity.
Our workshop will be held on Thursday February 27, 5:00-6:30pm in Rm. A632, Faculty Lounge, Atrium 6th Fl. RSVP to Prof. Maura Smale at

Faculty Workshop: Introduction to Citation Managers

The City Tech Library, in partnership with the Faculty Commons, is pleased to invite all faculty to a library workshop. Looking for a way to streamline and manage the research you do using internet or library sources? Looking for a tool that your students can use to keep track of their research? Learn about how citation managers can help organize and cite references as well as share and discuss scholarship with colleagues at City Tech or beyond. In this workshop we’ll introduce you to 4 solutions for citation management: RefWorks, EasyBib, Zotero, and Mendeley.
Our workshop will be held on Wednesday April 24, 1-2pm in Rm. A441 in the Library, Atrium 4th Fl. RSVP to Prof. Maura Smale at or Prof. Keith Muchowski at