Students! Are you working on a research assignment? This week and next the City Tech Library will offer drop-in help to students in any course who are working on research assignments. Please come prepared with a copy of your assignment and any questions you have about the research process.
Stop by and speak with a librarian to:
Visit room A441 in the library (on the 4th Floor of the Atrium) with questions about your research. Librarians will be standing by!
Wednesday May 7, 4:00 – 6:00 pm
Thursday May 8, 12:30 – 2:30 pm
Monday May 12, 4:00 – 6:00 pm
Tuesday May 13, 12:30 – 2:30 pm
Wednesday May 14, 4:00 – 6:00 pm
Thursday May 15, 12:30 – 2:30 pm
Image by Cory Doctorow.
Tech Happy Hour: Tools For Your Tablet
The City Tech Library, in partnership with the Faculty Commons, is pleased to invite all faculty and staff to a workshop. Do you have a tablet computer, either an iPad or Android device? Curious about how you can use it for more than watching movies or playing games? Join your colleagues for wine and cheese at this library workshop and learn about apps and strategies you can use to supercharge your tablet for your research, teaching, and productivity.
Our workshop will be held on Thursday February 27, 5:00-6:30pm in Rm. A632, Faculty Lounge, Atrium 6th Fl. RSVP to Prof. Maura Smale at
Faculty Workshop: Introduction to Citation Managers
The City Tech Library, in partnership with the Faculty Commons, is pleased to invite all faculty to a library workshop. Looking for a way to streamline and manage the research you do using internet or library sources? Looking for a tool that your students can use to keep track of their research? Learn about how citation managers can help organize and cite references as well as share and discuss scholarship with colleagues at City Tech or beyond. In this workshop we’ll introduce you to 4 solutions for citation management: RefWorks, EasyBib, Zotero, and Mendeley.
Our workshop will be held on Wednesday April 24, 1-2pm in Rm. A441 in the Library, Atrium 4th Fl. RSVP to Prof. Maura Smale at or Prof. Keith Muchowski at
Research got you stumped?
Does research have you confused? Do you not know where to start? Let the library help!
We have video tutorials for everything from renewing a book to choosing a database to supercharging your research. We also have guides to help you with citing sources and avoiding plagiarism.
Check out the library’s list of tutorials at
If you need more in-depth assistance, you can book a research appointment with a librarian to get one-on-one help with your assignment.
Image courtesy of I Can Has Cheezburger?
Mark Your Calendars for Open Access Week
It’s still a few weeks away, but the City Tech Library is already getting ready for International Open Access Week. Please save the date for two great faculty workshops we have planned:
Using Open Educational Materials in Your Courses
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Rm A543, City Tech Library (Atrium Building)
High-quality open access curricular materials are increasingly available online, and can provide an alternative to traditionally-published, high-priced textbooks. In this workshop we’ll discuss strategies for incorporating freely-available open access and public domain resources into your courses. Bring your syllabus or assignment and we will work together to add resources to your course website on Blackboard, the City Tech OpenLab, or other online platforms.
Coffee & cookies will be served.
Open Access Happy Hour: Your Rights as an Author
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Rm A632, Faculty Lounge (Atrium Building)
You know what you write, but do you know your rights? Copyright is a bundle of rights that apply to work you produce in any medium. How can you choose a publisher and negotiate your contracts to make the most of your rights as a scholar, researcher, author, and creator? Come enjoy wine & cheese with your colleagues and learn how to preserve your rights to reproduce, distribute, and display the work you create.
Faculty Workshop: Using RefWorks for Citation Management
The City Tech Library, in partnership with the Faculty Commons, is pleased to invite all faculty to a workshop. Streamline your research with RefWorks, a bibliographic citation management tool available to all City Tech faculty. Import references from online databases, organize your references into folders by topic or project, and generate a bibliography formatted in a variety of citation styles.
This workshop will be held on Wednesday, December 1, 1-2 pm in the Library, Rm. A540 (eclassroom). RSVP to Prof. Maura Smale at or 260-5748.
Students: Learn to research more efficiently and effectively!
The Library Department is pleased to announce that our new course: LIB 1201 – Research & Documentation for the Information Age — will be offered during the Fall 2010 semester. This 3-credit course will run on Tuesday/Thursday 10:00am – 11:15am, and may be taken to satisfy Core requirements in Communications (COMM) or as an Elective (ELECT). The prerequisite is ENG 1101.
Course Description:
In this course students will explore issues in research and documentation for text (in print and online), images, sound, and multimedia. We will investigate where information comes from and how it is organized in both traditional and emerging media. Students will examine the ethics of information use and determine how to critically evaluate sources. Throughout the course, students will create and present research and documentation projects using traditional and emerging media and technologies.
For more information, please contact Prof. Maura Smale at or 718-260-5748.
Faculty Workshop: Learn to Blog and Use Twitter
The City Tech Library, in partnership with the Faculty Commons, is pleased to invite all faculty to a library workshop. Blogs continue to change how scholarly ideas are expressed and exchanged. Workshop participants will learn how to set up and maintain a blog using WordPress, how to use the Twitter microblogging service, and how to find scholarly information in the “blogosphere.”
This workshop will be held on Tuesday, April 20, 1-2pm in Rm A540 (Atrium). RSVP to Maura Smale at or 260-5748.

Students: Take the Library’s New Course
Learn to research more efficiently and effectively!
The Library is pleased to announce our new course: LIB 1201 – Research & Documentation for the Information Age. This 3 credit course is scheduled for Tue/Thu 10-11:15am during the Spring semester. The course is open to all students (prerequisite: ENG 1101) and may be taken to satisfy Communications Core requirements or as an elective.
Visit our website for more information on the course. If you have any questions, please contact Prof. Maura Smale, Information Literacy Librarian, at
Faculty workshop Wed. Oct. 28: Finding Scholarly Information with Google Scholar
Google Scholar is a useful tool for finding scholarly information on the web, including articles and books. In this workshop, we’ll explore Google Scholar and investigate the types of search results (conference papers, preprints, anthology chapters, journal articles, and more). We’ll also customize Scholar preferences to facilitate full-text access from home or office computers. Time permitting, we’ll explore Google Books.
Workshops are open to all City Tech faculty members.
DATE: Wednesday, October 28, 2009
VENUE: Rm. A441, 4th Floor, City Tech Library (Atrium Bldg.)
TIME: 1.00 – 2.00 p.m.
RSVP is encouraged to Prof. Maura Smale, or 718-260-5748.