The City Tech Library, in partnership with the Faculty Commons, is pleased to invite all faculty and staff to a workshop. Looking to streamline and manage the research you do using internet or library sources, or a tool that your students can use to keep track of their research? Learn about citation managers — including RefWorks, EasyBib, Zotero, and Mendeley — that can help organize and cite references as well as share and discuss scholarship with colleagues at City Tech or beyond.
This workshop will be held on Wednesday, April 2, 1:00-2:00pm in Rm. A441, Library (Atrium, 4th Floor). RSVP to Prof. Keith Muchowski at or Prof. Maura Smale at For more information, download the flyer.
Missed a workshop this semester?
Looking for a workshop we didn’t offer this semester?
Consider requesting a custom workshop for faculty or staff groups.
Faculty Workshop: Introduction to Citation Managers
The City Tech Library, in partnership with the Faculty Commons, is pleased to invite all faculty to a library workshop. Looking for a way to streamline and manage the research you do using internet or library sources? Looking for a tool that your students can use to keep track of their research? Learn about how citation managers can help organize and cite references as well as share and discuss scholarship with colleagues at City Tech or beyond. In this workshop we’ll introduce you to 4 solutions for citation management: RefWorks, EasyBib, Zotero, and Mendeley.
Our workshop will be held on Wednesday April 24, 1-2pm in Rm. A441 in the Library, Atrium 4th Fl. RSVP to Prof. Maura Smale at or Prof. Keith Muchowski at
Faculty Workshop: Introduction to Citation Managers
The City Tech Library, in partnership with the Faculty Commons, is pleased to invite all faculty to a library workshop. Looking for a way to streamline and manage the research you do using internet or library sources? Looking for a tool that your students can use to keep track of their research? Learn about how citation managers can help you organize and cite references as well as share and discuss scholarship with colleagues at City Tech or beyond. In this workshop we’ll introduce you to 4 solutions for citation management: RefWorks, EasyBib, Zotero, and Mendeley.
This workshop will be held on Wednesday, February 6, 1-2pm in Rm. A441 (small library classroom). RSVP to Prof. Maura Smale at or 260-5748.
RefWorks 2.0 migration dates
RefWorks has announced some migration dates.We have enabled the 2.0 interface and we encourage everyone to become familiar with it before the switch over.
- August 15, all users can enable both the classic and the new 2.0 interface.
- October 29, 2011, the new 2.0 interface will be the default.
- At the end of the year, the current/classic interface will be removed and only the new 2.0 interface will be available
RefWorks Workshop for Faculty
Faculty, come to a workshop in the City Tech Library and learn how to streamline your research with RefWorks, a bibliographic citation management tool available to all City Tech faculty. Import references from online databases, organize your references into folders by topic or project, and generate a bibliography formatted in a variety of citation styles.
Date: Wednesday, April 6th
Time: 1 – 2 pm
Workshops are open to all City Tech faculty and staff. All workshops are held in our small classroom (Rm A441) on the 4th Fl. of the City Tech Library, Atrium, unless otherwise noted. RSVP is strongly suggested to Prof. Maura Smale, or 718-260-5748.
For more information, view our full list of faculty workshops.
Faculty Workshop: Using RefWorks for Citation Management
The City Tech Library, in partnership with the Faculty Commons, is pleased to invite all faculty to a workshop. Streamline your research with RefWorks, a bibliographic citation management tool available to all City Tech faculty. Import references from online databases, organize your references into folders by topic or project, and generate a bibliography formatted in a variety of citation styles.
This workshop will be held on Wednesday, December 1, 1-2 pm in the Library, Rm. A540 (eclassroom). RSVP to Prof. Maura Smale at or 260-5748.
RefWorks 2.0
Just logged into the beta version of RefWorks 2.0 for the first time. Not noticing a new interface? That’s because RefWorks 2.0 is in beta–traditional RefWorks is running side-by-side and you can chose either version. Traditional RefWorks is still the default.
For simple functions like importing references and filing them, it seems pretty similar to regular RefWorks. So far, I’m seeing that there may be problems with Internet Explorer 8 and RefWorks, so if you’re going to try RefWorks 2.0, use Firefox.
Want to try RefWorks 2.0? Just click on the link on the upper right side of the initial screen (see the screenshot above).
We’re working on informing everyone about the new version of RefWorks coming down the pike. Stay tuned!
Faculty Workshop: Advanced (and Intro!) RefWorks
The City Tech Library, in partnership with the Faculty Commons, is pleased to invite all faculty to a library workshop. In this workshop we’ll learn more about the specialized features of RefWorks: creating custom citation styles, inserting references directly into MS Word documents, and advanced searching. Participants should be familiar with RefWorks or have attended an introductory RefWorks workshop.
PLEASE NOTE: If you are interested in working with RefWorks and were unable to attend the Introductory RefWorks workshop earlier in the semester, you are welcome to attend this workshop! The workshop can address basic features of RefWorks also.
This workshop will be held on Wednesday, April 28, 1-2pm in Rm A540 (Atrium). RSVP to Maura Smale at or 260-5748.

Faculty Workshop: Using RefWorks for Citation Management
The City Tech Library, in partnership with the Faculty Commons, is pleased to invite all faculty to attend a workshop on using RefWorks for citation management. With RefWorks it’s easy to import references from online databases, organize your references into folders by topic or project, and generate a bibliography formatted in a variety of citation styles. In this workshop we’ll cover the basics of using RefWorks from both on- and off-campus.
This workshop will be held on Wednesday, February 24, 1-2pm in the library classroom, A540. RSVP to Maura Smale at or 260-5748. For more information, visit the Faculty Workshops page on our website.

RefWorks Faculty Workshop Wed 10/7
Faculty, join us in the library for a workshop this week:
Introduction to RefWorks for Citation Management.
Streamline your research with RefWorks, a bibliographic citation management tool available to all City Tech faculty. With RefWorks it’s easy to import references from online databases, organize your references into folders by topic or project, and generate a bibliography formatted in a variety of citation styles. In this workshop we’ll cover the basics of using RefWorks from both on- and off-campus.
When: Wednesday, October 7, 1-2 pm
Where: Rm. A441 (small library classroom), on the 4th fl of the library
RSVP: Maura Smale at or 260-5748