The library has added a few more titles to the media collection:
The Tree of Life (Blu-Ray & DVD) – DVD 2935
Continue reading “Capturing the Friedmans, the Hunger Games, and More Added to Library Media Collection”
Pacifica Radio Archives

The Multimedia Resource Center has acquired a few new materials from the Pacifica Radio Archives. According to the Internet Archive, the Pacifica Radio Archives is considered by historians and scholars to be one of the oldest and most important audio collections in the world. The City Tech library has acquired the following audio CDs, which both students and faculty my borrow for up to one week.
John Coltrane Remembered – Compact Disc 391 (2 discs)
“This documentary celebrates the life of John Coltrane through his music, his words and an intimate conversation with Alice Coltrane.”
“Celebrating the 100 Year Anniversary of the Publication of W.E.B. DuBois’ Book The Souls of Black Folk” – Compact Disc 392 (2 discs)
“A special program surveying the academic and artistic contributions of America’s greatest and social leaders.”
“The Black Panthers” – Compact Disc 393 (6 discs)
“This special audio collection is presented as an introduction to the Black Panther Party (for Self Defense), its members, their philosophy and conflicts with local police and government authorities. This introduction is based on interviews, actualities and documentaries by Pacifica reporters and/or producers. The segments presented derive from larger audio materials of Black Panther programs housed in the Pacifica Radio Archives. “
New Films in Multimedia
Here are some new DVDs in the library’s multimedia collection. Faculty are allowed to check out videos up to one week, and students may view videos within the Multimedia Resources Center. For more information, please contact Prof. Junior Tidal.
Type Face – DVD 2855
Women War & Peace – DVD 2868
Continue reading “New Films in Multimedia”